Looking for info on how to get rid of bags under eyes? This article has the best ways best ways, how to remove, reduce, cure or fix bags under eyes. You will also get the best creams, home remedies for under eye bags, treatments where surgeries, dermal fillers, laser bags under eye treatments and chemical peels will be discussed.

Just like dark circles under eyes, never ignore them, because bags under eyes will make you look older, very tired and ugly. I cannot stand these bags under my eyes! As we continue to discuss the various ways on how to get rid of eye bags, here are some of the questions, which will be answered:
- What are the natural or home remedies for bags under eyes?
- How do you get rid, fix, treat or cure bags under eyes?
- Are laser laser treatments, chemical peels, dermal fillers or surgeries effective in treatment and cure of under eye bags?
- Which eye bags cures and treatments can I go for? Will they help to get rid of bags on the eye?
- Are there best creams for under eye bags? How do I get a good one?
Other than answering these basic questions on how to get rid of bags under eyes, we have also have a lot of information you are unlikely to get on any other single page on the internet.
Before we look at any of the ways to get rid of under eye bags, it is very important you take some time to know the causes of under eye bags. Once you have what causes the bags under your eyes, treating them will be very simple since you can deal with the cause. For instance, if the bags under eyes you have are caused by allergy, it will be easy to use antihistamine if you want to get rid of eye bags other than trying the best creams for bags on eyes. This applies to all the other causes of bags under eyes. I hope this reasoning makes sense to you!
Natural and Home Remedies for Bags under Eyes – Reduce and Prevention
Natural and home remedies for eye bags are the most recommended ways to get rid of bags under the eyes because they come with the least side effects and costs. There are many other advantages or benefits of natural and home remedies for bags on eyes that makes this approach quite attractive. What are some of the common natural and home remedies for under eye bags?
Cucumber Slices – Cucumis Sativus
Cucumber is popular as a natural and home remedy to get rid of bags under your eyes and a number of eye related problems including dark circles under eyes, under eye wrinkles and even puffy eyes. Take two slices of fresh cucumber and place them on your eyelids for duration of between 10 to 15 minutes, rinse your face with water and pat to dry.
Cucumber has a number of medicinal properties which includes reduction in swelling of the under eye skin, restoring skin texture among many others. This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of under eye bags, that has been in existence and use for a long period of time.
Potatoes – Solanum Tuberosum

Going on with ways on how to get rid of bags under eyes, you need to consider potatoes. If the bags under your eyes particularly causes any kind of inflammation, you can use potato pulp to sooth the inflammation. Potatoes have the ability to prevent irritation and inflammation on the skin.
To use them, mash or grate potatoes into a paste like form and put them on your eyelids. Just like cucumber, this home remedy for bags on your eye or used to get rid of bags under your eyes, has been used to deal with other problems such as under eye darks circles and puffy eyes.
Green Tea Bags for Getting Rid of bags under eyes

Another way to get rid of bags under eyes is the use of green tea bags. This home remedy for bags on eyes will help reduce inflammations due to presence of tannins.
To use them, soak the tea bags, refrigerate them and place them on your eyelids while you are lying on your back with the head slightly elevated. Tea will prevent redness and under eye bags caused by fatigue and sleeplessness. Herbal tea with chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties is also good if you want to get rid bags under your eyes.
Use Cold Spoon to Get Rid of bags under eyes

Since spoons will fit perfectly into your eye sockets, they can used to help get rid of under eye bags. You need to refrigerate about six spoons, take two, place them on your eyelids and when they get warm, replace with others. This will help soothe bags under your eyes.
This home remedy for bags on eyes works magic although there is nothing unique about spoons other than their shape. They can also be used to treat eye puffiness.
Do Lemon Slices Help in to Get Rid of bags under eyes under Eyes?
To help get rid of bags under your eyes, place lemon slices on your eyelids where you have under eye bags and leave them there for about 10 to 15 minutes. Carefully remove them from your eyelids and rinse your eyes.
Alternatively, you could use lemon juice and soak cotton pads before placing them on the bags under your eyes. This natural or home remedy for bags under eyes works well in reducing the effect the bags under your eyes.
Can Avocado Help Get Rid of bags under eyesunder Eyes
Another great natural or home remedy for bags on your eyes is avocado. Avocado is oily and can help moisturize your face and under eye skin. You can either use avocado slices just as you do for potatoes and cucumber or smash it and apply it on your eyelids. Leave it there for about 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off every day before you go to be if you want to get rid of under eye bags.
Other Natural and Home Remedies for bags under eyesunder Eyes
Other than the above natural and home remedies for bags under eyes covered, you can also get rid of under eye bags by adhering to the following simple rules and lifestyle changes:
- To get rid of eye bags caused by inadequate and poor sleeping habits, ensure you at least have 8 to 9 hours of sleep daily in a regular pattern.
- The other home remedy for bags under your eyes is quite smoking and much alcohol. Smoking will rob your body a number of valuable nutrients that can cause eye bags as well as dark under eye circles. Alcohol on the other hand will lead to body dehydration, which often causes bags under eyes too. You should not stop drinking and smoking just to get rid of bags under your eyes but many other health problems such as liver cirrhosis, lung cancer, heart problems, among many others.
- Going on with ways on how to get rid of bags under the eye, never forget to reduce caffeine consumption.
- Splash your face with cold water when you wake up in the morning to help constrict blood vessels and reduce the appearance of under eye circles.
- To get rid of under eye bags, elevate your head while sleeping. This can be realized by using two pillows instead of one. It also helping in getting rid of puffy eyes.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water every day to help ensure your body is well dehydrated. It is most advisable you do not substitute water with sugary drinks if you want to get rid of eye bags quickly.
- Going on with ways on how to get rid of bags under eyes, ensure you always consume balanced diets and you have adequate supply of Vitamins and other vital minerals such as Zinc, Calcium, etc. Your food should always have vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and omega 3 fatty acids.
- The other very important home remedy to get rid of bags on eyes is giving your face proper care and gently handling it. Ensure you never to go to sleep with eye makeup on, use the correct makeup remover. Secondly, be gently when washing or drying your face as rubbing your face vigorously when drying as it can weaken your under the eye skin (ensure you use a soft towel). Ensure you skin is moisturized before going to bed, especially the area under your eyes as it will ensure it remain elastic and maintain its muscle strength. All these routines will ensure you not only get rid of eye bags but also keep then at bay.
These are some of the best natural and home remedies for bags under eyes. Most people have reported changes after trying some or all the above natural and home remedies for eye bags.
However, depending on how serious your case is, the home remedies for under eye bags could give you very positive results or small results. For those who get small results while trying to get rid of eye bags, they should consider trying either the best creams for bags under your eyes or the various treatments and cures for bags under your eyes.
Best Creams for Bags Under Eyes – Top Creams
Creams can help get rid of eye bags. Although natural and home remedies for under eye creams are the best way to go, to some people, they give results that are not very satisfying, especially to those who have very big eye bags. If you are one of such people, you could try best creams for bags under eyes.
Once you have decided to use the best creams for eye bags, you need to know how to choose the best cream that will give you desired results. Here is what you need to look at when choosing the best creams for bags under your eyes:
- When looking for the best creams for bags under your eyes to help you get rid of bags under your eyes, consider the ones that have popular ingredients such as Eyeliss, Halyoxl, Homeo Age, XtendTK, vitamins E, Crodamol CAP, among many others. Most of these ingredients have firming and skin tightening properties other than their abilities to reduce inflammations, swelling, and puffiness, among many other roles. Furthermore, ensure these best creams for under eye bags are made of ingredients of highest quality.
- Look at customer review, experts review, ratings and comments certain best creams use to get rid of bags under the eyes has received.
- Furthermore, you need to assess the side effects of the best creams for bags under eyes to ensure they do not cause any undesired effects. While struggling to get rid of eye bags, you might be causing worse side effects from these creams for under eye bags.
- When choosing creams to get rid of bags under your eyes, consider other factors such as price, and reputation of manufacturers, etc. These and many other factors for choosing the best creams for eye bags will determine how successful you will be as you try to get rid of bags under the eyes.
Which are the Best Creams for Eye Bags under Eyes?
We have looked at some of the things you should consider when buying the best creams for bags under eyes. It is also good to know which some the best creams that will get rid of eye bags are. We reviewed the various creams for eye bags before we could come with the below list. The list is subjective as not everything has been included. Furthermore, most of these best creams for eye bags are also used in dealing with dark under eye circles and eye puffiness, which is much similar bags under your eyes.

- Elite Eye Serum
- L’Oréal Revitalift Triple Power Eye Treatment
- Benefit Cosmetics Erase Paste
- L’Occitane Olive Express Eye Treatment
- Boots No7 & Firming Eye Cream
- MD Skincare Continuous Eye Hydration Advanced Technology
- Dr. Denese New York Baggage Lost Puff Reducing Eye Treatment
- Peter Thomas Roth Eye Overhaul Duo
- Estee Lauder Time Zone Anti-Line/Wrinkle Eye Cream
- Benefit Cosmetics Erase Paste
Although we have given you some of the best creams for bags under eyes, you still have a responsibility of ensuring you have done your independent research and reviews the various best creams for eye bags to see what experts and users are saying about them. This will ensure you choose a cream that will get rid of eye bags you have.
Treatments and Cures for Under Eye Bags – Removal and Fixing
If unfortunately, the best creams for bags under your eyes do not help you, you should not give up, there are still treatments and cures for bags under your eyes which you should try that can help change the way you look. Going for cures for bags under the eyes and treatments to get rid of bags on your eyes might come at a higher price or cost compared to creams and home remedies.
However, depending on the procedure you choose, you might be lucky to completely deal with the problem of bags under your eyes amicably especially if you opt for surgical processes to get rid of eye bags. So, what are some of the common ways to get rid of eye bags that fall under these approaches?
Surgical Treatment and Cure for bags Under eyes- Blepharoplasty
Surgical cure for eye bags is often recommended if you want to completely deal with this problem when it has reached and advanced stage where the other treatments and cures for eye bags might not help much.
Generally, in surgical cure for under eye bags, two procedures are use; the trans-cutaneous that involves cutting your lower eyelid, pulling eyelids to expose the fats; removing excess skin or fats where necessary and flipping the eyelid back before stitching can be done. Using this process to get rid of eye bags has complications and risks that include chances of eyelid retraction.
The other option is trans-conjunctival or scarless cure for bags under eyes where incision is made from inner side of the eyelid leaving no scars. The incision will then be closed with stitches that will dissolve. Similarly, to get rid of bags under your eyes, you can go for an incision, which is similar to the one done on lower eyelids.
Of course, opting for Blepharoplasty to get rid of bags under eyes comes with a higher cost but it will increase your confidence, make you use makeup easily, better vision for some cases, and most important get away the tired and old look that bags under your eyes have been giving you. However, be ready to spend anything $2,000 to $6000 since this is the normal price or cost range to cure eye bags.
The Use of Chemical Peels to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes – Peels Cure for Bags Under Eyes
Another way on how to get rid of eye bags is chemical peels. Using chemical peels as a cure for bags under your eyes might improve the appearance of eye bags as well as make the under eye skin much tighter. Of course, chemical peels, laser treatments and dermal fillers will not be as effective as surgical treatment but they can help in reducing the tiredness looks on your eyes.
These treatment area also very effective in treating dark circles under eyes and under eye wrinkles. You surely need to give them a try.
Laser and Light Treatment and Cure for Bags Under Eyes

Various techniques of laser treatments and cures for bags under eyes are often used to tighten the under eye skin and stimulate the production of collagen. Once collagen production has been stimulated by laser treatments, it will help in lifting up the skin around under eye and minimize the appearance of eye bags. This is how the various laser techniques help to get rid of bags under eyes.
Dermal or Facial Fillers Treatments and Cure for Bags Under Your Eyes

The other way to get rid of eye bags is the use of fillers. Contrary to assumption of many people that its only surgery that can cure bags under eyes, fillers can help, improve the appearance of eye bags.
During this treatment to cure bags under the eyes, facial fillers, such as Perlane and Restylane are injected into the depressions above your eye socket bone and it is then molded through massage to give immediate results that will last for at least 9 months to around a year.
Dermal filers help in giving younger and youthful looks when you use them to get rid of bags under eyes.
Conclusion on How to Get Rid of Eye Bags
We have looked at the various ways on how to get rid of bags under eyes, which covered the natural and home remedies forbags under your eyes, treatments and cures for under eye bags as well as best creams for eye bags.
At least some of the many ways to get rid of bags under your eyes we have discussed should work for you. If they all do not work, stop struggling to get rid of bags under your eyes and accept them as part you. In the meantime, use makeup to conceal them as well as under eye concealers and make, them much less visible as you battle to get rid of eye bags. What causes under eye bags?
See More on Dark Eye Circles
- How to Cure Dark under Eye Circles –Treatments and Advice
- Dark Eye Circles Remedies – Natural and Home Dark Circles under Eye Treatments
- How to Get Rid of Dark Circles under Eyes – Remedies, Cure, Treatments
- Best Eye Creams for Dark Circles – Choosing, Tips, Secrets, Top Eye Creams
- Dark Circles Under Eyes Causes – What Is and Why They Come?
More on Eye Bags
Also See on Puffy Eyes
- Causes of Puffy Eyes – What Is Eye Puffiness, Prevention and Symptoms
- How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes – Cures, Remedies and Treatments
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Pretty! Thiѕ was ann extremely wonderful post. Τhank yoou for providing tɦіs information.
Thanks for the very helpful post, it is also best to use organic creams and not the ones that promise great results but packed with harmful chemicals for your skin..
*If you want to get all natural and 100% organic face creams which can be used day and night with essential oils and guaranteed organic ingredients, clikc here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/anti-ageing-Creams-wrapped-Box-Highest-ingredients-Hydrates-adults-comes/dp/B00YNNAYII/ref=cm_rdp_product
You have to tell people they look ugly if they have dark circles under their eyes? Sometimes people natural just have the look you’re a bitch.
Thank you for the advice. I appreciate all the information. Could you please tell me for how long do I used these remedies. How many times a day do I apply them and for how long?