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Cramping during Ovulation – Before, Mild or Bad Cramps

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Do you cramp during ovulation or suffer from period like cramps (menstrual like cramps during ovulation)? Some people often consider cramping during ovulation as an abnormality while to others, it is normal. Learn more, including mild or bad cramps during ovulation.

Cramps before Ovulation

Cramping refers to involuntary pain that results from muscular tension. It is possible to experience this before ovulation. The causes for cramping before ovulation would be those that are as a result of pre-ovulation undertakings.

Before ovulation, the follicles are always expanding trying to outdo each other. As they strive to survive, there is a contraction of the ovarian membranes. This could cause cramping before ovulation.

As the follicles increase in size, they are likely to leak. The fluids that are expelled from the follicles may irritate the ovarian membranes. This may lead to the woman experiencing cramping before ovulation.

Is Cramps during Ovulation Normal?

Some women tend to have cramps during ovulation. This is usually uncomfortable. Mild cramping is a normal thing and 20% of women tend to suffer from it.

If the cramping becomes severe, it is necessary to visit a doctor as there could be some other health risk. If it is experienced along the following symptoms, it is time to see a doctor:

  • Fever
  • Excessive vaginal bleeding
  • Feeling pain while passing out urine
  • An abdominal bloating
  • Vomiting and blood spots in stool
  • More than two days of cramping
  • Dizziness
  • Inflammation around the area of cramping which can be visible from the surface of the skin

Once at the doctor’s, a trans-vaginal or abdominal ultrasound may be carried out to determine what could be wrong. Blood tests may also be necessary. These will help rule out any serious problems that may be as a result of the ovulation irregularities.One is then advised as may be appropriate.

Cramping During Ovulation

When an egg is about to be released from the follicles, a lot of internal changes occur to facilitate its detachment and fertilization later on. This may lead to some discomfort being experienced by the woman.

Among the many discomforts that a woman could go through is cramping during ovulation. This could be a continuation of pre-ovulation cramping or it could set in the moment ovulation kicks off.

A number of symptoms accompany cramping. These are as discussed below.

Symptoms of cramping during Ovulation:

Pain: Cramps during ovulation are easy to recognize as they are characterized by a sharp and distinct pain. This is usually almost like the one felt during menstrual cramping but it is a bit mild. The cramping is felt on one side in the lower abdomen.

The pain is localized: During ovulation, only one ovary releases a mature egg. This makes the cramping to be concentrated around the same area mostly on the lower part of the pelvis. If one is keen enough, they can tell from which ovary the egg was released.

Frequency: The pain follows no given pattern. While some women will experience it every mid-cycle, others experience it in no given order within the cycles. The pain has no signals and occurs randomly and lasts from one hour to forty eight hours.

Timing: Cramps during ovulation are likely to occur midway through the cycle. For a person with a 28 days cycle, this would be around cycle day 14. The cramping will be felt around two weeks after the previous cycle and two weeks prior to the next.

When cramping during ovulation, there are other likely signs of ovulation that would accompany it. These include an increased sexual desire by the woman. Mood swings, nausea, and headaches can also be experienced. The breasts and cervix could become tender. The cervical mucus changes from a watery to an egg white like discharge.

Another accompanying symptom is that the variation of hormonal levels causes a change in body basal temperature. Just before ovulation, it takes a deep and around two days later it rises. All these happen to get the body ready for a possible pregnancy.

Causes of cramping during ovulation

Increase in size of the follicle: In the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, hormones stimulate the formation of around twenty follicles. Each of these shelters an immature ovum. Most of the times, only one of them gets to mature. On rare circumstances two of them do. This unfertilized ovum continues to expand awaiting fertilization. As this takes place, the membrane around the ovary gets stretched. This causes cramping.

Follicular fluids:  The single egg that manages to survive till maturation has follicular fluids within it. Upon maturation or as the egg is being released, some follicular fluid is bound to leak. Some blood too is releasedas a result of the rapture of ovary membranes.

These fluids flow along the abdominal cavity. This may lead to a woman getting cramps during ovulation. Until the body is able to absorb all the fluids that are released, a woman will suffer from cramping.

Contraction of the muscles: The increase in hormones around ovulation time leads to a contraction of the smooth muscles in the reproductive system. This contraction leads to cramps during ovulation.

Rapture of the ovarian wall:Another reason for cramps duringovulation iswhen the ovum raptures the ovarian wall to gain a way to the fallopian tubes. The lack of an opening and the fact that it has to force its way out causes cramping.

Cramping during ovulation is normal and therefore rarely warrants medical attention. To relieve the pain, one can try the following:

  • Placing a hot water bag on the cramping site can help ease the pain
  • A hot water bath relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow. This will help ease the cramping.
  • Drinking at least the recommended amount of water will help one stay well hydrated. This way cramps during ovulation will be minimal.
  • Over the counter pain relievers will help relieve the pain.
  • A doctor may recommend that one takes birth control pills in case of severe ovulation cramps. These will help stop ovulation and thus cramping will be avoided.

Not all women experience cramping during ovulation. For those that do, their experiences may differ. One fact remains though: Cramping during ovulation is a great indicator of a woman’s fertility.

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