What are the best skin tag removal products? Learn the best OTC skin tag products from liquids and gels such as Dermisil, thread and Nail polish among others. Skin tag removal products you need to buy to use at home.

What causes skin tags is a long list of theories that are somewhat truth. However, the main problem is not what causes them, but in removing them, as they keep popping up on various points on your skin, as you get older. They are unsightly and clothing, jewelry and even harsh soaps and skin products irritate them easily. They occur under the armpits, under and on breasts, on the groin area, on the eyelids and even in the anus. When they do occur, they can really gross you out. As long as you can identify a skin tag from a mole or wart, or any other skin growth, then you can remove it easily.
Surgical removal for skin tags is one of the safest and fastest options of getting rid of your skin tags. However, it comes at a price that is higher than the cost of skin tag removal products. It therefore becomes logical to use these products instead of going to the doctor’s office to explain about the skin tags, which can occur in embarrassing locations. While using OTC products saves you money and time, the search for the best skin tag removal products is not easy. There are hundreds of products in the market used for skin tag removal and all claim to remove skin tags. This article will give you the best skin tag removal products to use on your skin.
Best Skin Tag Removal Product in White and Black
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of a skin tag removal product is the over the counter medicines. These usually find you in advertisements on TV. Therefore, when you first discover that skin tag on your eyelids or armpits you always think of a certain product that would clear your skin tag as seen on TV skin tag removal.
Without reading reviews or asking around you head to straight to the market to buy the skin tag product. All through the way, you go thinking it is the best skin tag removal product until you try it on your nasty skin tab for a whole week and or longer religiously and nothing happens. The skin tab still stands tall.
Could you have been duped? Most probably yes. Not all products you see on TV live up to their promise. While some may be semi effective, you can only find that out from reading reviews widely. This is the only way to avoid wasting your hard-earned cash.
I have realized the best skin tag removal product is not cheap. You have to willing to spend a little extra if you want a genuine product for skin tag removal. Hence, there is a difference between Dermatend and Tag Away.
You also have to follow instructions on each product, as you cannot use the product as you wish. That would mean poisoning your skin. Overall, the best product does not have to be in the stores it can be right in your kitchen or bathroom cabinets. However, we tend to trust products that are full of chemicals. You can forfeit this and go the natural way with apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil. These will take longer, but they will remove the skin tags at the end of the month or before a month ends.
Over the Counter Skin Tag Removal Products – OTC Skin Tag Removal Products

As I have indicated above if you do your research widely, you will find some good products that do not disappoint. If you are looking for over the counter skin tag removal products, you can never go wrong with the following:
- Dermatend
- Bio-T Topical Ointment
- Compound W Skin Tag Remover
- Commercial liquid nitrogen
- Dr. Scholl’s Skin Tag Remover
These are also home products that you have to buy over the counter if you do not have them in the house:
- Tea tree oil
- Castor oil
- Vitamin E capsules break a capsule(s) and use the oil
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Use Dermisil for Skin Tags at your own Risk
You probably will come across Dermisil as a skin tag remover. A website I trust so much recommended the Dermisil be used for skin tags because it contains Alpha-terpinene-4-ol, which is another name for Tea tree oil. However, at the end the author says use Dermisil for skin tags at your own risk. I wondered why even suggest it in the first place.
I did not stop there, but I started looking for Dermisil reviews on Amazon.com to see the possible side effects I could get from using this skin tag removal product. Out of the 45 customers who had used this product, only 10 seemed to agree that it worked and they had given it a five star rating. The rest 35 thought they had wasted their money.
Most customers also thought that it had a horrible smell. This is what they could remember most about Dermisil for skin tags. They still had their skin tags intact, not any smaller or bigger, just there. Could Dermisil be just an oil trying to compete with Tea Tree oil or just borrowed a little bit of this ingredient?

I tend to think so. Instead of using Dermisil for skin tags, it is better to use the tea tree oil for as long as it gets to dry my skin tags. Why waste money on a product that will just add grease to the skin tag and not even attempt to reduce it even in the slightest way.
For most skin tag removal products, they are like Dermisil they will claim they have natural ingredients, however it turns out they there is either too little of those ingredients and more of grease. Why spend your hard-earned cash on such? It is better to spend on the products I stated earlier. They all can be purchased in your nearest drugstores.
Skin Tag Removal Thread-Which Thread to Use for Skin Tag Removal
When reality hits you hard like the Dermisil product has, it is time to acknowledge that home remedies for skin tags are the best alternative if you do not want to go to the dermatologist’s office. Skin tag removal thread is another home remedy used for peduncled sin tags. In fact, you can use the following types of thread to tie the skin tag and cut short its supply of blood, just make sure they are sterilized except for floss of course, which is safe:
- Dental floss, the best
- Sewing thread
- Fishing line
Skin Tag Removal Nail Polish- Removing Skin Tags with Nail Polish
Removing skin tags with nail polish is the other home treatment you can use. You have to own clear nail polish, and if you do not buy because it is cheaper than most of the OTC skin tag removal products. You are supposed to shake the nail polish before use. Apply the skin tag removal nail polish using the brush while ensuring that you get the whole tag.
Do the applications of nail polish twice a day and you will sure get results within four to five days. Most people who have used this method say it works. Instead of using nail polish, you can buy over the counter:
- New Skin Liquid Bandage, which according to those who have used says it smells like nail polish. It works as well as the skin tag removal nail polish does.
Where to Buy Skin Tag Removal Products Stores Vs Websites
Some skin tag removal products are available in most chain stores, however, for some products you may have to go to the manufacturer’s websites and order the products online. Where to buy skin tag removal products should not really be an issue as long as you get the real deal.
- If you want the Compound W Skin Tag Remover for example you will have to go the website which is compoundw.ca
The good thing about buying from the websites is that you can find reviews online and go pick the product in store or still wait for it to be shipped to your doorstep after reading about it. You can also verify genuine and fake reviews.