The nose is the most prominent feature of your face and a nose surgery can make drastic improvements in one’s appearance. It may also be needed to correct a crooked nose. Read on to discover more about nose plastic surgeries including the various types (including MOHS) and the options for crooked and Korean noses.
Types of Nose Surgery or Kinds of Surgeries Performed

There are two main types of nose surgery, namely, open and closed depending on the surgical approach chosen. That is, the technique chosen to access and remove the nasal skin temporarily in order to expose the underlying skeletal framework.
Otherwise known as external rhinoplasty, open surgery, or open rhinoplasty if you like, involves making an incision(s) to the vertical skin strip of skin separating the right and left nostrils (the columella). With the incision made, the surgeon is then able to fold the nasal skin and soft tissues upwards to facilitate viewing of the lower nasal skeleton.
Open Nose Rhinoplasty or Surgery or External

Open rhinoplasty makes the best option for major nose reshaping procedures and even though it carries the risk of developing a visible scar in the nasal columella, but as Richard E. Davis, MD, a plastic surgeon based in Miramar, Florida says, this shortcoming is more than made up for by the improved accuracy and versatility of the approach.
Close Rhinoplasty or Endonasal
Closed rhinoplasty, or endonasal rhinoplasty if you like, on the other hand involves making incision(s) inside the nose after which the surgeon then separates nasal skin from the bone and cartilage. With the bone and cartilage exposed, the surgeon finally removes, reshapes, rearranges, or augments them as necessary to achieve the desired look.
Although it is associated with poor visibility, closed surgery has its major advantage in its leaving behind hidden scars and is usually preferred for minor nose reshaping surgeries.
Your surgeon will recommend the most appropriate choice between these two types of nose surgery depending on your goals and his/her experience.
Nose surgical procedures can also be classified into primary and secondary whereby the term primary is used to refer to the first surgical procedure while the term secondary is used to refer to a subsequent surgical procedure that is done to correct problems from or patient’s dissatisfaction with the first procedure.
MOHS Surgery on Nose
I have been reading a lot about patients undergoing MOHS surgery on nose as part of their skin cancer treatment that I thought it wise to talk about it as part of this nose surgery guide. One patient for example reports that his doctor recommended that he undergo MOHS surgery to remove a basal cell cancer from the side of his nose.

So what is MOHS surgery anyway? Well, otherwise known as chemosurgery, MOHS surgery is an advanced skin cancer treatment approach that was developed by Frederic E. Mohs (hence the name) in 1938.
It involves performing microscopically controlled surgery and although time consuming relative to traditional excision, MOHS surgery is more precise and is generally preferred for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (NMSC) on the nose, lips, eyelids, neck and scalp as well as skin cancers with aggressive histology.
This highly specialized procedure involves different stages of treatment whereby tissues are removed and examined for cancer cells. The results obtained then inform the decision whether more tissue removal is necessary.
After a MOHS nose surgery, or one involving other cosmetic sensitive areas such as chest, or forehead, a reconstruction surgery is in most cases required to repair the skin of the depression or hole that is left behind. The dermatologic surgeon performing the MOHS surgery will typically refer you to a facial plastic surgeon for a reconstructive surgery.
This may entail such procedures as grafting, granulation, flap closure, and tissue expansion.
In addition to skin cancer treatment, MOHS surgery on nose may be recommended for reconstruction of nasal defects as Andrew Jacono, MD, FACS, a Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon attached to the New York Center for Facial Plastic & Laser Surgery says.
Broken Nose Surgery
Human nose comprises of two bones that runs down from the nasal bridge and a long piece of cartilage that is responsible for the shape of a person’s nose. The bony part of the nose may get broken from impact caused by trauma e.g. from falls, sports injuries, fights, car accidents, or personal assaults (including domestic violence).

With a broken nose, you are likely to experience difficulty breathing through the nose as a result of the swelling associated with such incidents or because of poor alignment of the nasal bones. A broken nose is also very painful in most cases and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as bleeding, bruising, and sometimes crooked appearance of the nose.
Although not always necessary, broken nose surgery is usually used to facilitate healing of the bone while minimizing the associated symptoms.
You may however have to wait for between 3 and 6 days from the date of injury before the broken nose surgery can be performed so as to allow the nose time to stop swelling. The procedure can be done at your doctor’s facility but some cases may be referred to specialized practitioners such as plastic surgeons and otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist).
After the surgery, you may occasionally accumulate dried blood or mucus in the nose. Taking hot showers helps to release the mucus or blood accumulated in the nose and thus ease the problem.
Crooked Nose Surgery
Owen Wilson’s nose is perhaps the best example of crooked nose. It may benefit from a crooked nose surgery if he was to so decide, but that is very unlikely as it accentuates his comical character in most movies. A crooked nose plastic surgery can help to achieve various aesthetically appealing effects on your face including:

- Smoothening out nasal bumps and depressions
- Giving your nose a straighter profile
- Raise or lower your nasal bridge for a more proportional look
- Improve the profile of your nose tip as subsequently outlined in this guide
- Balance out the right and left sides of your nose and achieve the missing symmetry
It may be possible to treat crooked nose without surgery in some less severe cases whereby reduction is instead done at the doctor’s office or emergency room. Your doctor will advise you accordingly.
Korean Nose Surgery
Korean and eastern Asia people have generally wider faces relative to the lateral length of their eyes. Their nasal bridge is also rather low set which makes the face look wider. In addition, they also typically have underdeveloped middle part of the face – their noses appear to form very low on the face – which makes their face look flat.

A Korean nose surgery, or Korean rhinoplasty if you like, can be used to correct this and give such persons a more “western” face or a more balanced nose as the patient may desire. In particular, a Korean rhinoplasty can be used to:
- Increase the elevation of the nasal bridge
- Improve the nose profile
- Create a more projected nose tip
The procedure involves reshaping and resizing of the nose, especially in the area between nasal bridge and nasal tip. The nasal bridge is typically raised and the length of the nose is increased.
This may then be followed by more technically advanced procedures aimed at reducing the tip of the nose while adding definition to the nose. In addition to aesthetic augmentation of the face, Korean nose surgery is on occasions necessary to enhance the functionality of the nose.
Nose Tip Surgery

Some people have what is called “bulbous” nose which is characterized by a ball like tip. This is usually the result of the underlying nasal structure but can also well be the result of having thick skin. Such a nose tends to attract attention away from the eyes which may make some people uneasy or even make them to have low self-esteem.
If you have such a nose, you may benefit from a nose tip surgery. For bulbous tip, the procedure typically revolves around strengthening and narrowing of the nasal cartilage as opposed of removal of cartilage.
People with relatively wider nose tips compared to the rest of the face may as well benefit from nose tip rhinoplasty and so can people who feel that their tip is too prominent.
It is however important to keep in mind that nose tip surgery is one of the most technically difficult cosmetic surgeries and desired results can never be guaranteed since the skin may fail to take the new shape after the underlying nasal framework has been changed. This is according to as Deirdre Leake, MD, a St. Augustine, FL, facial plastic surgeon.
Pug Nose Surgery
You may be described as having a “pug nose” if you have a short, blunt nose that is flattened an turned up at the tip. If you are not comfortable with such a nose, you may want to have a nose be done to reshape it to your desired look.
The term “pug nose surgery” is however mostly used in relation to a breed of dogs called pugs.
Pugs are liked for their glossy coat and muscular build up, not to mention their well-developed sense of humor that have earned them the tile “clowns of the canine world”, but their naturally compact passageways makes them susceptible to developing breathing difficulties which often necessitate surgery to restore breathing function.
Nose Reshaping Surgery
Nose reshaping surgery can indeed alter the shape of your nose to your desired look but there is always some risks involved. To start with the risk of unsatisfactory results can never be ignored but you can always schedule a secondary rhinoplasty to further enhance the appearance of your nose. Other risks of nose reshaping surgery are infection, scarring, bleeding, skin discoloration, swelling, poor skin sensation, and breathing difficulty.
It is entirely up to you to decide if these risks are acceptable and justify the potential outcome of the procedure.
Wide Nose Surgery

Some people may also feel that their nose is too wide. Such patients talk to plastic surgeons about their having a nose that is far too wide in relation to the rest of their facial features which makes it appear disproportionate to the rest of their face, too wide nostrils which makes them particularly prominent, or having too wide a nose bridge in relation to the rest of their face.
All these features can attract undue attention to your nose and make you feel uncomfortable. Luckily, you may turn things around with a wide nose surgery which can help to enhance facial harmony.
As with any type of rhinoplasty or nose job, however, it is very important that you set realistic goals. Your surgeon will also talk to you about the risk involved as well as the cost to help you make your mind.
In as far as wide nose surgery cost (and any other type of nose job for that matter) settlement is concerned it is important to remember that most insurance companies don’t cover such aesthetic procedures.
Recommended Reading on Surgery of the Nose
- Nose Surgery Costs, Recovery, Before and After Pictures & Reduction
- Nose Surgery Cost, How Much It Costs, Reduction, Crooked Cost
Further Suggested Reading on Rhinoplasty
- What is Rhinoplasty, Procedure, Risks, Pictures and Rhinoplasty Gone Wrong
- Open and Closed Rhinoplasty – Cost, Recovery, Before and After
- Asian Rhinoplasty Cost, Before and After, Male and Specialists
- Non Surgical Rhinoplasty – Cost, What Is, Before and After
- Rhinoplasty Cost – How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost, Average Cost
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty – Best, Cost, Surgeons, NYC, Los Angeles
- Male Rhinoplasty, Women and Celebrity Rhinoplasty – Cost, Before and After
- Revision Rhinoplasty – Specialist, Best Surgeons, Cost and Recovery
- Rhinoplasty Recovery – Timeline, Revision, Photos and Tips
Suggested Reading on Nose Job
- Best Nose Jobs, Good, Surgeons, Cost of Good Nose Jobs
- Should I Get a Nose Job, What is it & which Male Celebs with Nose Jobs
- Nose Job Simulator & Virtual Nose Job – Online and Free
- African American Nose Job, Black and Korean Nose Job
- Nose Job Recovery – Recovery Time, How Long
- Bad Nose Jobs and Nose Jobs Gone Wrong – Before, After and Worst