Can natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes? Learn some of the natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes that will include teabags, cucumber, massage, potatoes, cold spoons, adequate sleep, avocado, lemon juice, etc.

Since in our previous discussion, we discussed what dark circles under eyes are, types and what causes them, we will not touch those areas but dwell more on some of the natural remedies or home remedies, which have been proven to work effectively.
Before we go to the dark eye circles remedies, it is worthwhile to know there are many other ways of treating dark circles under eyes, which include the use of best dark under eye creams, cosmetic treatment or surgical treatments among many others. Most of these ways to cure dark circles under eyes are costly other than having some side effects.
However, the dark eye circles remedies we are going to discuss are very affordable if not free. You have no reason to continue ignoring these remedies or treatments. Imagine you can do away with those dark circles under eyes you have that make you to look old and very tired without spending a penny and reduce reliance on dark under eye concealers. This sounds so sweet.
Natural and Home Dark Eye Circles Remedies
Most of the natural and home remedies for dark under eye circles we are going to discuss can be done at home with various products, which are readily available at your home or kitchen. You might have to buy a few things, one or two in case you do not have them such as coconut oil, olive oil etc but they will cost you so little. We have not covered all the dark eye circles remedies in case you do not see the one you normally use. Some of the popular remedies include.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #1 – Adequate Sleep

The first dark eye circles remedy is having adequate sleep. If you do not want the dark circles to appear, ensure you give your eyes enough time to heal, regenerated and rejuvenate after a long day of them serving you well.
If your under eye dark circles are in a worse state, you should begin with at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep. Also, reduce the hours you spend on your TV sets or computer, as they tend to wear out your eyes.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #2 – Good Nutrition and Balanced Diets

The second very effective dark eye circles remedy is having a well balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. Antioxidant will particularly help in fighting the various damaging free radical caused by a number of things include stressful life, harsh conditions we are exposed to and so on. Poor diet and lack of iron in the body is one of the causes of dark circles under eyes.
Iron is important as it helps in oxygen transport. If you do not get good diet, consider going for supplements especially of vitamins and other important minerals.
Ensure you have a lot of fruits and vegetable in addition to your normal balanced diet. Some foods that are rich in antioxidants include cranberries, bilberries, tea, onions, parsley, black currant, and so on. While in this dark eye circles remedy of proper nutrition, do not forget to drink a lot of water to help keep your skin hydrated. Skin dryness is one of the causes of dark circles under eyes.
Finally, reduce amount of salt you consume since it often causes water retention, which can cause dark circles under eyes.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #3 – Eye Massage

Just as you do when you want to want to get rid of under eye wrinkles, you should massage your eyes using your middle fingers. While massage your fingers, use a few drops of various natural oils such as olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil, among other oils.
You should massage using gentle pressure beginning from your inner eyes outwards to the outer eye corners for a few minutes and do it twice a day. Other that getting rid of dark under eye circle, this dark eye circles remedy will improve blood circulation to your eyes and enhance your eyesight.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #4 – Cold Compression Using Use Frozen Spoons or Peas

This might sound strange but it is also one of the dark eye circles remedies. Take a frozen spoon and put it on your dark circles under eyes until it gets warm again. You should repeat this severally a day. It has been found to help reduce dark circles under eyes.
Alternatively, while trying this dark eye circles remedy, you could also use frozen peas to cold compress any of the under eye skin that might be irritated or inflamed. You can also use ice wrapped on a piece of towels to cold compress your eyelids. Using ice directly will cause ice burns.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #5 – Cool Teabags

If your dark eye circles are caused by inflammations on your eye region, you should consider soothing your eyes using teabags that have chamomile. This natural dark eye circles remedy will help reduce swelling of tissues underneath your eyes. The tannin in tea has been found to help reduce discoloration and swelling of the under eye skin.

Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #6 – Cucumber
The use of cucumber is one of the most popular dark eye circles remedies that are widely used. You could either soak cotton balls in cucumber juice and place them on top of the skin with dark circles or use cucumber slices. Cucumber slices are perfect whenever you feel stressed. You should leave them on your eyelids for about 30 minutes before you can wash your eyes using warm water.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #7 – Quit Smoking
If you have been smoking, reduce or quite because smoking if one of the causes of dark circles under eyes and wrinkles. Smoking is associated with vascular problems that often make your blood veins to look magnificent. Such veins will be a reason why you have the bluish dark circles under eyes.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #8 – Tomato or Lemon Juice
Some people have reported a reduction in discoloration whenever they use tomato juice on their eyelids. Tomato juice will be used in a similar way you would have used cucumber juice. However, this is not a very popular home remedies for dark circles under eyes, as many people are not aware of it. Lemon juice works in a similar manner as potato. You can even place slices of fresh lemon on your under eye skin just as you do for cucumber slices.
Natural and home remedies for dark circles under eyes #9 – Avocado or Potato Slice

Another common natural dark eye circles remedy is using either a slice of avocado (it is oil rich) or raw potato and placing them on your under eye skin. This should be done twice a day. You could also grate the potatoes, moisten them with water drops ( a few) and spread them over your eyelids.
Other than the above natural or home dark eye circles remedies, you could try some of the dark under eye circle remedies listed below:
- Crush mint and apply it on your under eye skin
- Apply a mixture of pineapple juice and turmeric powder on your under eye skin
- Try niacinamide, this derivative of Niacin Vitamins has been found to help in lightening your skin. It will also help people who suffer from the hyperpigmentation type of dark circles under eyes.
- Apply mixture of yoghurt and corn flour
If you want to be successful in dealing with dark circles under eyes, you also need to change your lifestyle and stay away from anything that is likely to cause stress on you, as this will generate free radicals in your body. Ensure you give your eyes time to relax, exercise you body and ensure good general health of your body.
Furthermore, you should try other dark eye circles remedies such as dark under eye creams, various treatment procedures and so on. If you can have any good skin anti aging creams, you could use them to help slow aging of your skin since aging is one of the causes of under eye dark circles.
We have looked at a number of dark eye circles remedies. Most of this dark eye circles remedies have been proven to work for many users. I have tried some of these methods and the results were incredible.
See More on Dark Eye Circles
- How to Cure dark circles under eyes –Treatments and Advice
- How to Get Rid of Dark Circles under Eyes – Remedies, Cure, Treatments
- Best Eye Creams for Dark Circles – Choosing, Tips, Secrets, Top Eye Creams
- Dark Circles Under Eyes Causes – What Is and Why They Come?
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