Kevin – Beauty Sight Beauty, Makeup, Health, Fashion, Skin Care and More Sat, 03 Mar 2018 16:45:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Get Rid Of Nausea from Drinking, Pregnancy Fast Tue, 12 Jul 2016 13:18:01 +0000 Having a nausea during pregnancy or menstrual period, from drinking too much alcohol, coffee, taking antibiotics, name it is one of the worst mood killers. It can also get too severe that it kills your productivity at work if not make you unable to report at work. This article will not all discuss common causes but also highlight how to get rid of nausea at home. Why Do I Feel Nauseous? – What Causes Nausea Nausea is the result of physiological changes in the body associated with the following factors: Sun poisoning Sinus drainage Anxiety Alcohol: After a night of

The post How to Get Rid Of Nausea from Drinking, Pregnancy Fast appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Having a nausea during pregnancy or menstrual period, from drinking too much alcohol, coffee, taking antibiotics, name it is one of the worst mood killers. It can also get too severe that it kills your productivity at work if not make you unable to report at work. This article will not all discuss common causes but also highlight how to get rid of nausea at home.

Why Do I Feel Nauseous? – What Causes Nausea

Nausea is the result of physiological changes in the body associated with the following factors:

  1. Sun poisoning
  2. Sinus drainage
  3. Anxiety
  4. Alcohol: After a night of drinking it is common to get a hangover that is often characterized by a nauseate feeling.
  5. Drinking excess or very strong coffee
  6. Side-effects of certain medications e.g. NSAIDs (painkillers), antibiotics etc.
  7. Birth control pills
  8. Pregnancy: It is common to get morning sickness while pregnant.
  9. Menstruation periods: This is the result of hormonal fluctuations.
  10. Infections: Nausea may be the result of viral e.g. stomach flu as well as bacterial infections.
  11. Some perfume fragrances.
  12. Medical conditions such as gastritis, kidney stones, acid reflux
  13. Jet lag: If you have ever felt nauseated after travelling on a plane, then you might have experienced a jet lag. Related to jet lag, motion sickness can also lead to a nauseous feeling.
  14. Use of certain herbal remedies such as kratom
  15. Quitting smoking
  16. Riding a roller coaster
  17. Vigorous activities and exercises such as running, weight lifting etc.
  18. Taking high doses of zinc supplements

How to Get Rid Of Nausea after Drinking Too Much Alcohol

how to get rid of nausea from drinking too much alcoholYou drank a few too many and now you have a killer nausea and other symptoms of hangover such as dizziness, splitting headaches, stomach upset etc. You are not alone. Many people go through this after a night of drinking.

According to the NHS Choices, alcohol is a diuretic. This means that when consumed, it deprives your body of its fluids leading to dehydration. Nausea and other symptoms associated with drinking too much alcohol are caused by the dehydration.

According to Columbia University, alcohol irritates the stomach lining, simulate higher secretion of gastric acids in the stomach, and lead to triglycerides buildup in the liver. These factors contribute to the nauseous feeling from drinking too much.

If you are looking to know how to cure nausea the morning after drinking excess alcohol, there is one fact that you need to know. There is truly no cure for hangover but you can control the nausea and other symptoms using the following home remedies:

Rehydrate and Rehydrate, Then Rehydrate Some More

Rehydrating the body is the best way to stop the nauseous feeling and other symptoms of hangover after a night of drinking.

This not only helps to restore the fluids lost from your body but also dilute natural chemicals (congeners) often added in alcoholic beverages. These impurities can worsen the hangover symptoms.

It is in fact advisable to drink at least half a liter of water before you go to bed, then continue sipping water throughout the night.

If you forgot to drink water the previous night – and while drinking – and now have terrible nausea and other symptoms of hangover to show for it, it is still not too late to gulp down water. It will take your hangover treatment efforts a long way.

Other than water, juice and other non-fizzy drinks can also help to return the lost body fluids and thus get rid of nausea faster after drinking too much alcohol. Bland drinks the likes of soda water, isotonic drinks (e.g. lucozade) etc. can also help to restore body fluids.

Avoid Caffeinated Beverages

Since coffee is a stimulant, some people claim that it can help you get started after a hangover. According to the Health Line website however, caffeine will only dehydrate you more and make your body tremble more as well as increase the nausea.

Choose Your Painkillers Wisely

Taking some painkiller medications is recommended for alleviation of the splitting headaches that usually develop after drinking overnight. Most people however make one grave mistake when buying the painkillers; they go for aspirin.

Aspirin can irritate the stomach even more not to mention worsen the nauseated, sickly feeling, says the NHS Choices website. The Health Line website also suggests staying away from acetaminophen (Tylenol) since it slows the rate of alcohol metabolism in your body. It can also cause damage to your liver.

Instead, the NHS Choice recommends taking Paracetamol-based medications. According to the Health Line website, ibuprofen also make a good choice for pain relieving medications. They are easily available in most pharmacies.

Break Some Eggs

Eggs are among the best foods to get rid of hangover symptoms such as nausea. They are rich in cysteine, an amino acid that helps to break down the harmful toxins built up in your system after a night of drinking. That way you will feel less nauseated and more energized.

Going overboard with fat or grease when preparing the eggs can however be counterproductive and make the nausea worse.

Eat a Banana, Pretzels, or Kiwi Fruits

When drinking, you lose lots of potassium and other essential salts and minerals from the body. When the body is low in potassium, you get nausea and tiredness among other symptoms.

Bananas are rich in potassium and will thus help replenish and rejuvenate your body. They also help to soothe the stomach while providing you with essential energy in the form of carbohydrates.

Kiwi fruits are also a great source of potassium. As for pretzels, they are rich in salt and taking bananas alongside bananas is particularly helpful.

Sip a Cup of Ginger Tea

Ginger is another great home remedy for nausea, vomiting, and stomach disturbances associated with excess drinking and other factors. Below are two guidelines on how to stop feeling nauseous after drinking too much alcohol:

  1. Chop a fresh ginger root into thin slices.
  2. Add them to 4 cups of water and then bring it to a boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the ginger out, then mix the juice with ½ cup of honey and the juice from half a lemon and half an orange.
  4. Sip the resulting sweet mixture right away.
  5. Repeat several times for the best post-drinking nausea relieving action.

Chewing small pieces of ginger throughout the day can also help to get rid of nausea.


Studies have also shown peppermint to be an effective remedy for nausea due to drinking too much alcohol and other causative factors. It can also relieve the often accompanying stomach upset. Peppermint is touted to help fasten the detoxification process while aiding in faster digestion. Below is how treat nausea naturally using this herbal remedy:

  1. Get some fresh peppermint leaves and chew them gradually in the course of the day.
  2. You can also steep 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves for 15 minutes and then strain to make a cup of tea. Enjoy the cup and prepare and take some more as necessary in the course of the day.
  3. You may also find peppermint flavored gums such as Tic-Tacs helpful for nausea and other symptoms of hangover. Avoid taking too much of these since they are sugary and can make things worse if not taken in moderation.

Avoid Very Hot Showers

You wake up in the morning getting late for work or class, hit the shower, and after a quick hot shower, you end up feeling more nauseous than you did before. Why is it so?

According to, although a long shower goes a long way in rejuvenating your energy-devoid body, very hot showers will only do the opposite. The excess heat will go to your head and increase nausea. So take a cold or warm shower, and if you can open the windows for some fresh air.

Other Tips to Get Rid Of Nausea and Other Symptoms from Drinking Too Much Alcohol

  • Take a bowl of bouillon soup. This comes in handy in replacing the lost vitamins and minerals while getting you rejuvenated. It is especially helpful if your stomach s very irritated and you don’t feel like taking anything solid. A bowl of whole grain cereals is also helpful. Some people will also wear to the effectiveness of honey sandwiches.
  • Don’t go back to drinking. “Hair of the dog”, “kutoa lock”. These are just of the terms used to refer to the habit of waking up to some alcohol as a way to relieve nausea and other symptoms. If thinking about it, don’t. It doesn’t actually help matters. It is like postponing a problem at the risk of getting it later, probably stronger.

How to Get Rid Of Nausea during Pregnancy

how to get rid of nausea while pregnantNausea and vomiting are common problems during pregnancy especially the first trimester. The collective term “morning sickness” is typically used to refer to them.

For pregnant women whether or not they will get nauseated is not as much relevant as the question, “when does nausea start during pregnancy?” Nausea and other symptoms of pregnancy begin at about week six. The symptoms last up to about 14 weeks. This can however vary from one person to another.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, up to 70 percent of women experience nausea and other pregnancy symptoms when pregnant.

Nausea and vomiting tend to strike early morning since you have had a chance to eat something, hence the term morning sickness, but you can get the nauseated feeling at any time of the day. This may be triggered by certain smells.

Nausea is indicative of a healthy pregnancy and is nothing to worry about, but can be relieved with the following home remedies:

Take Ginger

Ginger is among the best home remedies to get rid of nausea while pregnant. Also according to the NHS choices website, there has not been any reported cases of adverse effects of ginger to pregnant women.

As regards how to treat nausea with ginger, there are several options to consider:

  • Ginger supplements: As the NHS Choices website reports, some preliminary studies have shown ginger supplements to be effective in making nausea and vomiting go away. Some pharmacies and supermarkets stock ginger supplements; start your search there.
  • Ginger biscuits can also help to relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Ginger ale is another great home remedy for nauseous felling during pregnancy but the Baby Center suggests paying special attention to ensure that the ginger ale product of your choice is manufactured using real ginger.
  • Ginger tea is also a nice natural way to go about combating pregnancy nausea. Grate a small piece of fresh ginger root and then boil it in a cup of water. Drink a cup every now and then and that nauseous feeling will so be cleared.

Stop the Nausea with Peppermint

Like ginger, peppermint has a strong aroma that helps to fight the nauseated feel and vomiting associated with early pregnancy. You can either make peppermint tea by steeping dry peppermint leaves or take some peppermint-flavored candies or gums.

Watch Your Eating Habits

An empty stomach worsens nausea and other pregnancy symptoms. It is not just about what you eat but also the intervals at which you eat. Here are useful dietary tips to observe when pregnant:

  • Eat small meals frequently throughout the day as opposed to three large meals most people are used to.
  • Avoid of fatty, sweet, and spicy foods and instead eat foods that are loaded with proteins and complex carbohydrates e.g. bread, pasta, rice. Fresh vegetables are also recommended. Eat your meals slowly as you are likely to feel nauseated when your stomach gets full quickly.
  • Start your day with a cracker. The Baby Center recommends having them by your bedside and nibbling one or a few 30 minutes or so before you rise up in the morning. If you as well feel nauseous at night, take one and it will help you get the much needed relief.
  • The NHS Choices recommends eating cold as opposed to hot meals since the latter tends to give out more of their aroma which can then trigger nausea.
  • If you suspect any particular food or smell makes you nauseated, do away with it.
  • Sip lots of fluids gradually in between meals including water, carbonated beverages, lemonades, sports drinks, etc.

Pay Attention to Your Body Movements

How you treat your body during pregnancy will determine whether you help stop nausea and vomiting or worsen them. Here are some beneficial considerations:

  • Don’t go to sleep or lie down immediately – more so on your left side of your body – after you are through eating. This slows down the rate of digestion, which may then make nausea more severe.
  • Rather than shoot out of bed in the morning or after a midday rest, rise up slowly, taking a couple minutes to sit down by the bedside.
  • Avoid tight clothes, especially those that tighten you around the waist.

Make Yourself Forget About It

This sounds like a bizarre suggestion for a pregnancy nausea remedy but when it comes to nausea, nothing makes it more powerful than thinking about it. Think of any way to distract yourself from paying attention to the sickly feeling e.g. chatting with friends, playing a game, etc. and you will notice a huge difference.

Ace Your Dental Hygiene

When it comes to pregnancy, dental hygiene becomes ever more important. Nothing will dilute your nausea-fighting effort more than uncared for teeth and gum. Brush your teeth every time you are done eating. You should also floss and rinse your mouth with a mouthwash frequently.

Get Lots of Fresh Air

When it comes to pregnancy and vomiting during nausea, lack of fresh air is a big no-no. Keep the windows open and ensure that your house is well ventilated. If you have a fan, consider running it often. It also helps to walk about in fresh air outside.

Give Yourself Adequate Rest

Lying down frequently as your body needs is one of the easiest yet most effective natural remedies for morning sickness.

Turn to the Medication Cabinet for Solution

If none of the above home remedies for nausea during pregnancy are helping to keep the problem at bay, you may want to talk to your doctor or health care provider about taking some nausea medications.

It is also possible that too much iron is responsible for increasing nausea. Your doctor or healthcare provider may consider switching to another prenatal vitamin supplements.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, vitamin B-6 supplements have been shown to reduce nausea when pregnant. Talk to your healthcare provider about this option.


The post How to Get Rid Of Nausea from Drinking, Pregnancy Fast appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Morning Breath: Causes, How to Get Rid, Prevention Methods for Bad Breath in the Morning Fri, 08 Jul 2016 12:37:10 +0000 You can probably relate to this scenario: your breath is perfectly okay during the day but nothing close to that can be said about the breath you wake up with in the morning and kissing your partner without brushing your teeth is simply unimaginable. If you do, you are one in millions of people who struggle with the problem. So, what causes bad morning breath and what can you do to get rid of it as well as prevent its recurrence for good? You are just about to find out all that and more. What Causes Morning Breath? The question “why

The post Morning Breath: Causes, How to Get Rid, Prevention Methods for Bad Breath in the Morning appeared first on Beauty Sight.

You can probably relate to this scenario: your breath is perfectly okay during the day but nothing close to that can be said about the breath you wake up with in the morning and kissing your partner without brushing your teeth is simply unimaginable. If you do, you are one in millions of people who struggle with the problem. So, what causes bad morning breath and what can you do to get rid of it as well as prevent its recurrence for good? You are just about to find out all that and more.

What Causes Morning Breath?

The question “why do we have bad breath in the morning?” bothers so many people.

According to Dr. Anthony Komaroff, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, morning breath is usually caused by the bacteria that live in your mouth. These bacteria get their foods from the particles found in our mouth – on the gums, tongue, throat, and between the teeth – the digestion of which results in foul-smelling sulfides and amines.

When sleeping, we produce less saliva and consequently the mouth dries out. When that happens, the culprit bacteria proliferate, acting on the tiny food particles that buildup on the soft tissues in your mouth. Remember that saliva serves as a natural way for the body to wash down food particles and bacteria.

The following factors can heighten the intensity and frequency of bad morning breath:

  1. Snoring/breathing through the mouth: People who breathe through the mouth at night are more likely to develop bad morning breath than those who don’t and so does those who snore. This is because these habits make your mouth more prone to drying out, thus creating an environment more suitable to the activities of the odor-producing bacteria.
  2. Medications: Some medications can also increase the risk of bad breath in the morning by reducing the rate at which saliva is produced and thus setting stage for bacterial activities that result in the offensive smell. This is a common cause of halitosis among older people as they tend to be on medications.
  3. Smoking: The health effects of smoking are far reaching. In addition to all the damage tobacco smoke does to smoker’s body, it can cause your mouth to get dryer while at the same time raising your mouth’s temperature, to the delight of oral bacteria. Smoking also puts your sinuses at higher risk of infection.
  4. Post nasal drainage due to allergies and other factors: When mucus drips down the back of your throat, a condition known as postnasal drip or drainage, it serves as a food source for the bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds, leading to bad breath.
  5. Poor dental hygiene: When you don’t brush and floss your teeth enough, food particles and nasty bacteria buildup in your mouth, which can then make morning breath more likely to occur not to mention all-day halitosis in worst scenarios. Dental or gum diseases can also cause an explosion of bacteria in your mouth.

How to Get Rid Of Morning Breath and Prevent its Recurrence

Morning breath and kissing don’t auger so well. Your boyfriend or girlfriend may even be averse to morning sex due to it. While masking the breath is helpful, the ultimate long-term goal should be getting rid of the problem for good; that is, taking measures to ensure that you do not have bad breath in the morning to start with. Here are some ways to help you tackle the “dawn halitosis” problem:

Up Your Oral Care

  • Brush and floss your teeth after every meal and most importantly before going to bed to prevent buildup of food particles and volatile chemicals-producing bacteria between your teeth. Brush for not less than 2 minutes each time. If you can get your hands on electric toothbrush, it is an especially great option, says the WebMD.
  • Brush your tongue with a soft-bristle toothbrush or use a tongue scraper too. The back of the tongue is an often over-looked harbor for mouth bacteria and food debris, contributing to 85% of all cases of bad breath, says Irwin Smigel, DDS, the founder of The American Society for Dental Aesthetics. If you are struggling with bad breath in the morning, start by ensuring that you not only brush your teeth but also the tongue.
  • Visit your dentist regularly. Dr. Komaroff recommends having your teeth cleaned at least two times each year.

Rinse With a Mouthwash

Rinsing with mouthwash is another effective yet easy home remedy for morning breath. Unlike a toothbrush, a mouthwash reaches the soft tissues areas of the mouth such as throat, inside of cheeks, etc., neutralizing the breath causing compounds.

How to get rid of morning breath with a mouthwash is pretty straightforward: simply swish the specified amount of the mouthwash product of your choice for at least half a minute, then spit it out.

The only downside with most mouthwash products is that they are more of a temporary fix than a morning breath cure. To address this challenge, the WebMD suggests looking for antibacterial mouthwashes and rinses e.g. TheraBreath Oral Rinse. These help to kill the bacteria found in the mouth and thus cure the problem of bad breath in the morning or otherwise while reducing the risk of cavities.

Still on the best mouthwashes for morning breath, ensure that the product you go for is alcohol-free and has a seal of approval from the relevant body e.g. American Dental Association.

Rinse Your Mouth with Vinegar

Vinegar can also help to inhibit bacterial proliferation in the mouth and thus stop bad breath in the morning. Here is how to use it to get rid of the problem:

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water.
  2. Swish the solution around your mouth, then gargle for a minute or so.
  3. Spit it out.
  4. Repeat this every day before bedtime until the breath returns to normal.

Gargle Baking Soda before Bedtime

Baking Soda or bicarbonate of soda as it is often sold on the counters is alkaline in nature and as such constitutes a great remedy for awful breath in the morning. By creating an alkaline environment, baking soda inhibits the activity of the oral bacteria responsible for the “dawn halitosis”.

Below is how to get rid of morning breath with baking soda:

  1. Mix a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and then mix thoroughly.
  2. Gargle the mixture around your mouth for 1 minute or so just before bedtime.
  3. Spit it out. Skip rinsing your mouth for the best result.

Observe Your Dietary Habits Keenly

What you eat goes a long way in as far as your overall body health is concerned. While some foods e.g. apple, impart a positive effect on your breath, others do the exact opposite and could be a contributing factor to your waking up with a bad breath. Below are diet related tips that you can use to get rid of and prevent bad morning breath for good:

  1. Eat regular meals and avoid low-carb diets: According to the WebMD, extreme fasting, irregular meals, and low-carb diets can all lead to foul-smelling breath. When carbohydrates are not available in adequate quantities, the body begins breaking fat at a higher rate. The ensuing ketones production leads to what is referred to as “ketone breath”.
  2. Avoid “breath-killer” foods: Pungent foods such as garlic and onions are known to cause the breath to smell bad. Such foods are usually absorbed into the bloodstream and then expelled gradually via the lungs when breathing. They can thus contribute to the awful breath.
  3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: Apples help to clear desires from your teeth and eating one is a nice way to end your evening meal. The WebMD also recommends snacking on carrots and celery as a good way to remove food debris and stop breath problems. Chewing a parsley sprig also goes a long way in getting rid of morning breath. It contains chlorophyll that helps to neutralize and mask breath odors.
  4. Eat your breakfast as soon as possible: As already mentioned, morning breath is attributed to dry mouth and accelerated bacterial action on food debris in the mouth. Eating stimulates the production of saliva which in turn helps to combat bacterial action. What an easy tip on how to get rid of morning breath fast, albeit temporarily, than starting your day with a breakfast.
  5. Do away with coffee: Whether taken in the morning or at night, coffee leaves a lingering aroma that is difficult to clean from the back of your tongue. It can also dry out the mouth and set grounds for bad breath. Instead of coffee, take herbal or green tea and see if that will help to stop the morning breath.
  6. Go slow on alcohol: Alcohol and wine have a knack for drying effect on your mouth and if you sip a glass or two before bed time, you likely know your culprit.

Use Oil Pulling To Stop Morning Breath for Good

This plaque and oral bacteria fighting method has been used in India since time immemorial. The idea is to use oil to pull out the microorganisms in your mouth. Here is how to get rid of morning breath using the oil pulling method:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of coconut oil (sesame and sunflower oils are also idea for this purpose) into your mouth.
  2. Swish it all around your mouth for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Spit it out. The bacteria and other microorganism adhered to the oil will go out with it, leaving your mouth fresh and healthy. What an easy remedy to help you wake up without morning breath?

Keep the Mouth Wet

Keeping the saliva flowing is the key to effective management and prevention of bad breath. Below are helpful tips to help you achieve this:

  • Drink plenty of water before bedtime and throughout the night if possible.
  • Chew sugarless gum. This helps to free up food debris and dead cells stuck in your teeth, gums, and tongue, while stimulating the flow of saliva. This is an especially effective remedy for bad breath if done shortly after taking your meals. Flavored varieties will also help to neutralize and mask the A.M. smell.

Grab Some Mint for Fresh Breath without Brushing Your Teeth

One of the best herbal remedies for morning breath and bad breath (halitosis) in general, mint provide temporary but effective relief from the vagaries of mouth bacteria. It naturally freshens your breath almost instantly – without necessarily brushing your teeth – making your mouth ready for that morning kiss from your partner.

Avoid Mouth-Drying Medications

You may not have a choice, but if possible try switching from mouth drying medications such as antihistamines (e.g. Benadryl) for other alternative medications. If you are on any such drugs, ask your doctor to advice you accordingly.

Give Tobacco Products a Cold Shoulder

This may sound as a so-hard-to-crack trick on how to get rid of morning breath but if you can stop smoking or chewing tobacco products, then you will have made a great leap towards fresh breath.


The post Morning Breath: Causes, How to Get Rid, Prevention Methods for Bad Breath in the Morning appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Causes and How to Get Rid Of Boils on Inner Thigh – Top Home Remedies for Boils on Inner Thigh Thu, 30 Jun 2016 08:56:27 +0000 Although not a common condition, boils on the inner thigh are painful when they occur not to mention that they can make walking around difficult. These are usually the result of bacterial infection and inflammation. The underlying causes of boils on inner thighs are discussed herein as well as various simple home remedies to get rid of the problem. What Causes Boils On the Inner Thigh? Usually characterized by red, tender, and painful skin lumps (skin abscesses), boils on inner thighs are typically caused by an infection of the hair follicles by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. These bacteria are naturally located

The post Causes and How to Get Rid Of Boils on Inner Thigh – Top Home Remedies for Boils on Inner Thigh appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Although not a common condition, boils on the inner thigh are painful when they occur not to mention that they can make walking around difficult. These are usually the result of bacterial infection and inflammation. The underlying causes of boils on inner thighs are discussed herein as well as various simple home remedies to get rid of the problem.

What Causes Boils On the Inner Thigh?

Usually characterized by red, tender, and painful skin lumps (skin abscesses), boils on inner thighs are typically caused by an infection of the hair follicles by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. These bacteria are naturally located on the surface of the skin as well as the nasal lining and don’t cause problems unless they enter the skin through cuts or abrasions.

When that happens, the immune system responds by sending white blood cells into the affected hair follicles in an attempt to ward of the infection. This results in inflammation of the hair follicle and thus the formation of a boil on the inner thigh or any other part of the body e.g. buttocks, groin area, buttocks, etc.

With time, dead skin cells, white blood cells, and bacteria mix to form pus which progressively build-up in the boil.

Boils on inner thigh initially show up as reddened, tender areas on the skin before progressively turning into firm, more tender bumps. Ultimately, the center part of the boils accumulate pus and soften before coming to a head.

Among the underlying causes of boils on inner thighs are:

  • Hair follicle damage e.g. from ingrown hair caused by improper shaving or waxing, use of harsh chemicals, or use of harsh chemicals, etc.
  • Foreign objects e.g. splinters that have been stuck in the skin.
  • Immune weakening conditions: Although not direct causes of boils on inner thighs, immune compromising conditions the likes of HIV, diabetes, kidney failure etc. have also been linked to higher risk of boils. A condition known as hypogammaglobulinemia can also increase propensity to boils. This causes hampered production of antibodies.
  • Use of certain medications: Some medications have also been shown to cause higher risk of boils. Chemotherapy medications (used to treat cancer) and cortisone medications such as prednisone (available under brand names such as Liquid Pred and Deltasone) and Prednisolone (sold under names such as Medroll, Pediapred etc.) are example of such drugs.
  • Poor nutrition: Without adequate supply of Vitamins A, C, and B (particularly Vitamin B6) which helps to boost the immune system and boost our body’s ability to fight infections, the body may become susceptible to illnesses, including boils.
  • Inadequate Hygiene: This can cause a build-up of bacteria on the skin and eventually lead to boils on inner thighs, buttocks, etc.

How to Get Rid Of Boils on Inner Thigh at Home

So, how do you get rid of boils on inner thigh?

Most boils heal with simple home remedies but should these fail or the boils recur so frequently, then medical treatment e.g. antibiotics, surgical drainage, etc. may be necessary. It is also advisable to seek medical attention if the boil is accompanied by fever. According to the Medicine Net, boils are best treated as early as possible to avoid further complications. Below is how to get rid of boils on inner thigh fast at home.

Treat the Boil with Heat

This is one of the easiest home remedies for boils on inner thigh but is very effective. The idea is to apply heat to the boil to help it come to a head faster. By increasing blood circulation to the affected area of the skin, heat facilitates faster white blood cells and antibodies action, thus faster healing of the boils (skin abscesses). Here is how to treat a boil on your inner thigh with the heat method:

  1. Soak a face cloth in warm water and then wring out the excess water.
  2. Apply the cloth gently on the boil for 10-20 minutes, re-soaking it as necessary to re-heat it.
  3. Repeat this home treatment for 3-4 times throughout the day until the boil comes to a head.
  4. When that happens, drain the boil of pus and then cover it with a sterile gauze. You may also apply an anti-bacterial ointment at this point if you have one.
  5. Finish by washing your hands with warm water and soap.
  6. Soaking the skin in warm water frequently can also help it to heal faster.

Heal it colorfully with Turmeric

The colorful appearance of turmeric can make you pass it for a boils treatment but it has potent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that are very beneficial to healing of boils on inner thighs and indeed any other part of the skin. A compound in turmeric referred to as curcumin is also touted to help relieve the pain due to boils.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with enough water to form a paste with thick consistency. Apply the paste on the parts of the inner thighs affected by the boils. Allow the past to work for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Use this home remedy several times daily until the boils come to a head and heal.
  • Drinking turmeric-milk mixture also helps. Pour ½ teaspoon of powdered turmeric to a glass of milk. Bring the mixture to a boil and then sip it. Repeat twice daily until the boil pops and heal.
  • Mix powdered (crushed) turmeric with ginger extract and stir thoroughly to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on the boils on inner thighs every once per day until the abscesses go away.

Use Neem (Indian lilac) to Get Rid of Boils on Inner Thigh

Neem has long history of medicinal uses in India owing to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Also referred to as margosa, neem can be used to treat boils on inner thighs naturally as follows:

  1. Clean a handful of fresh neem leaves with cool water and then crush them into a paste. Apply the paste on the areas of the skin affected by boils. Rinse the paste off after half an hour or so. Repeat three times daily.
  2. Another way to use neem to cure boils is to boil a handful of neem leaves in a small pot and evaporate about 2/3 of the water. Apply the remaining solution to the boils on the inner thighs with the help of a washcloth (after it cools down).

Tap into the Healing Power of Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant is a gift from nature that simply never stop giving. From burns to acne, aloe vera is an amazing natural dermatological solution. The healing properties of aloe vera can also be used to get rid of boils on inner thighs while relieving the pain associated with them. Here is how to use this natural home remedy for this purpose:

  1. Get a fresh aloe vera leaf and snap it open. Apply the oozing juice on the parts of the thigh affected by boils.
  2. An over-the-counter aloe vera gel can also help to treat boils and carbuncles.

Epsom Salt Treatment

Among the most cost effective home remedies for boils on inner thigh also is Epsom salt. This salt helps to make the boil burst naturally faster so you can drain the bacteria and the fluids in it off. It is also hailed for its ability to draw out toxins and impurities trapped in your skin.

Add ¼ cup of Epsom salt to a basin to which a couple cups of warm water have been added. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the salt. Soak a clean washcloth with the resulting solution and then apply it to the affected parts of the inner thigh. Use this home treatment regularly to make the boils drain faster.

Alternatively, add 2 cups of Epsom salt to bath water and then relax in the bath tub for 20 minutes or so. Allow the skin dry naturally. Repeat this home remedy for boils on inner thigh once per day until the abscesses heal.

Toothpaste Remedy

Toothpaste is an unlikely candidate is as far as home remedies for boils on inner thighs, but it surely works. Below is how to treat boils on inner thigh at home with toothpaste.

  1. Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste directly on the head of the boils and leave it on for a couple hours, then rinse it off with warm water. Repeat every few hours and those boils will soon come to a head.

Use Onion remedies

The natural antiseptic properties can also be tapped into to fight bacterial infection and promote healing of boils on inner thighs. Here is how to get rid of boils on inner thigh with onion:

  • Chop a fresh onion into thin slices and then rub them gently on the boils.
  • Now place a slice directly on each of the boils before wrapping a clean cloth – or cotton gauze and medical tapes – around the thigh to help it stay intact.
  • Remove the onion slice after 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat the process every morning and evening until the boil ripens and heal.

Other onion treatment methods:

  • Grate an onion and then place the paste on the boils as a dressing for 30 minutes or so before rinsing it off with water. Repeat this home remedy twice daily.
  • You can also use onion-infused water to treat boils on inner thigh. Simply cut an onion into thin slices and then drop them into a pot with 2 cups of water, then heat it until two‑thirds of the water evaporates off, then use the remaining solution to cure the boils once it has taken enough time to cool down.

Apply Tea Tree Oil

Numerous scientific studies have shown tea tree oil to have potent medicinal properties. The antibacterial properties of this natural remedy makes it an especially great home treatment for boils on inner thigh. To avoid the risk of irritation however, you will want to use tea tree oil in a diluted solution or mixture as follows:

  1. To a bowl of warm water, add a couple drops of tea tree oil. Soak a washcloth or cotton swab with the tea tree oil solution and then apply it gently on the boils until the heat dissipates out, then re-soak it again. Repeat the process for 10 minutes each time, a few times daily until the boils heal. You can also dilute tea tree oil with lavender oil.


Cornmeal is another effective natural home remedy for boils on inner thighs. Its absorptive properties will help to draw out the pus and bacteria in the boils and thus make them come to a head faster. Here is how to remove boils from inner thigh:

  • To a tablespoon of cornmeal, add enough water to make a paste with thick consistency. Work it into the areas of the thighs affected by boils. Rinse it off after 20 minutes. Use this home remedy several time daily.

Apply Garlic to Get Rid of Boils on Inner Thigh

Garlic also has powerful antibacterial properties that make it a good remedy to remove boils. Below is how to get rid of boils on inner thigh using garlic:

  • Use pestle and mortar to make garlic paste from 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • Squeeze the juice coming out of the garlic paste into a cotton pad and apply it all over the affected areas of the thigh.
  • Use this home treatment 2-3 times daily

Alternatively, make a fine paste by mixing a paste of crushed garlic with a teaspoon of turmeric, then apply it on the treatment areas.


The post Causes and How to Get Rid Of Boils on Inner Thigh – Top Home Remedies for Boils on Inner Thigh appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Get Rid of Back Hair by Yourself, at Home, and Permanently Thu, 23 Jun 2016 11:18:56 +0000 A bit of hair on the back may be considered appealing for men, but certainly not for women, but even men often find too much hair on their back unattractive. Although there are many hair removal options, using some of them on the back may be tricky. This article will give you a breakdown of how to get rid of back hair depending on your specific circumstances. How to Get Rid Of Back Hair When You Have a Helper The ways to get rid of back hair range from cheap to expensive, painless to painful (but worth it), and temporary

The post How to Get Rid of Back Hair by Yourself, at Home, and Permanently appeared first on Beauty Sight.

A bit of hair on the back may be considered appealing for men, but certainly not for women, but even men often find too much hair on their back unattractive. Although there are many hair removal options, using some of them on the back may be tricky. This article will give you a breakdown of how to get rid of back hair depending on your specific circumstances.

How to Get Rid Of Back Hair When You Have a Helper

The ways to get rid of back hair range from cheap to expensive, painless to painful (but worth it), and temporary to permanent. Choose the best way to get rid of back hair at home or at a professional service among the following methods:

Shave the Back Hair

Shaving the back is one of the easiest and cost effective ways to remove back hair but you will need to have someone to help you do it. It is advisable to shave your hair in the shower or immediately after a hot bath or shower. This helps to open up the pores and soften the skin while stiffening them away from the skin. It also helps the shaving razor to glide more easily and give a cleaner cut.

Another way to achieve this is to soak a towel in hot water and then wring out the excess water before wrapping it around your back for a few minutes. Below is how to get rid of back hair by shaving:

1. Prep Your Back Hair for Shaving

  • Take a hot shower or wrap a hot towel around your back for a few minutes.
  • In the event of very long back hair, consider trimming it with an electric trimmer or a pair of scissors first before shaving it with the razor.
  • As an optional step, apply pre-shave oil to create a layer of protection between your skin and your razor. By coating every single hair, the oil will allow the razor to glide easily.
  • Lather up the shaving cream with the help of a shaving brush. Ask your assistant to move the brush in small circles moving from the shoulders downwards.

2. Shave the back hair

  • Your helper should move the shaving blade lightly from the top down.
  • This should be done in the direction towards which hair grows, not against the grains, to avoid ingrown hairs.
  • Also, consider shaving near a sink to make it easier for your helper to clean the razor as necessary during shaving. For a cleaner shave, a multiple blade razor is recommended.

3. Rinse your back and then part it dry with a towel.

4. If you want, finish off by applying a good-quality moisturizing lotion or cream

Voila! You are done shaving the back hair and can say thanks to your helper now.

The downside to shaving back hair is that it doesn’t give long lasting results. It is thus not the ideal option for women or men looking to get rid of back hair permanently. There is also the risk of ingrown hairs but these can be minimized by shaving correctly – along the grains.

Use Back Waxing to Remove the Unwanted Hair

Speaking of how to remove back hair, waxing is another method that cannot be overlooked. Although painful, especially the first time, waxing gives more long-lasting results compared to shaving. You will be hair-less for up to one month after waxing your back hair.

Unfortunately, waxing still carries the risk of ingrown hairs, just like shaving. Although waxing was previously seen as a women thing, men are increasingly warming up to it. Another downside to waxing is that it is not exactly cheap not to mention that it only keeps back hair at bay for just a few weeks. The next time you have to get rid of back hair, what about back waxing at your local spa or at home (if you have someone to help you do it)?

Use Hair Removal Cream or Spray

Also referred to as depilatory creams, hair removal creams work by dissolving unwanted hair all the way down. As a result they give more long-lasting results than shaving. They are also painless but on the downside they are not as cheap a way to remove back hair not to mention that they can cause irritation in some people. Should irritation occur, discontinue using the product and instead use one of the other hair removal methods discussed in this article.

Hair removal creams also offer temporary solution and are thus not ideal if looking to remove back hair permanently. You may or may not be able to apply depilatory cream all by yourself; it is up to you to try and determine if you need a helper.

How to get rid of back hair with a depilatory cream? Well, every product comes with its own instructions but generally, the process involves the following steps:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of the back hair removal cream of your choice into the palm of your hands.
  2. Spread the cream gently all over your back, ensuring that every strand of hair is covered with the cream.
  3. Wash the cream off your hands and allow it to work into the back hair for the stipulated time, usually minutes.
  4. Remove the “treated hair” with the help of a damp cloth.
  5. Finally, rinse the back with warm water and antibacterial soap and enjoy the hair-free-back for as long as it lasts.

Other than hair removal creams, there are as well numerous spray-on solutions available today such as Veet Spray On Hair Remover Cream and bliss Fuzz Off Foam.

Remove the Back Hair with an Epilator

An epilator is an electric device that works in a similar way to waxing – puling the back hair out instead of shaving it- which means that the epilation process is painful.

Epilating the hair is best suited for long hair on the back, at least one inch. Although the principle behind an epilator is simple, it is still not easy to use it alone; you will need the assistance of your partner or family member. An epilator also doesn’t give permanent results; the hair will grow back in a few weeks. It also naturally carries the risk of ingrown hair.

Epilating is a great option for those looking to get rid of back hair without shaving or waxing.

How to get rid of back hair with an epilator

  1. Take a warm bath or shower.
  2. Pat the skin dry.
  3. Drag the epilator gently across the skin to pull the hair strands out. If the pain becomes unbearable at any time, give yourself a break. Moving the epilator faster across the skin can also help to somewhat reduce the intensity of pain.
  4. Finish off by washing your back with warm water and soap, then pat dry with a clean towel.

How to Remove Back Hair by Yourself with a Back Hair Shaver

Getting rid of back hair all by yourself was for a long time a mammoth, and almost impossible, task until several innovative products were developed to address the problem. These DIY back hair shavers are simply shavers to which a long extendable arm has been fitted to allow you to easily reach and shave the entire back, all by yourself.

Among the most popular back hair shavers are MANGROOMER Ultimate Pro Back Shaver and baKblade’s “BIGMOUTH.

Below is a general guideline on how to shave your back hair alone with a hair shaver:

  1. Prep your back: As with normal shaving it is important to prep your back before shaving to not only ensure a smooth, clean shave but also reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. Start by taking a hot shower or placing a warm towel on the back for a few minutes to open the pores, then apply a shaving cream. If you need to use an electric trimmer to shorten the hair, wipe your skin dry fast, then wet it a bit later when applying the shaving cream.
  2. Shave the back hair: For great results, consider shaving while looking at your back in a mirror. Holding a small mirror at an angle while standing with a huge bathroom mirror behind you will help you view your back without turning your head and thus twisting your back. Work from mid back to shoulders and then lower back to the mid back, adjusting the back hair shaver’s arm accordingly.
  3. Take a shower to remove the hair from your back and voila! You have just removed the pesky hairs all by yourself.

How to Get Rid Of Back Hair Permanently

Women don’t view back hair favorably and often want to remove them permanently. Some men also find the back hair pesky, wishing it to go away for good. If you are one such person, then the following are the best permanent back hair removal options that you may consider:

Laser Hair Removal for Back

Laser is perhaps the best way to remove back hair permanently albeit a bit costly. The procedure involves zapping the hair roots (follicles) with a beam of carefully controlled laser light. For permanent results, numerous laser treatment sessions are usually needed.


Electrolysis is a permanent but slow back hair removal method, requiring up to a yearlong weekly treatment lasting 20 minutes. This is because every single hair follicle has to be treated individually. As the name suggests, electrolysis involves the use of electrodes to destroy the hair follicle and thus permanently stop unwanted hair growth. Each treatment session costs about $40 and doing the math you will see that electrolysis is not a cheap back hair removal technique, but once it is done you will have permanent results to show as a reward.


The post How to Get Rid of Back Hair by Yourself, at Home, and Permanently appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Get Rid Of Garlic Smell on Hands, in the House, in the Mouth, and From the Body Wed, 22 Jun 2016 09:48:25 +0000 Garlic is a nice culinary addition, but its potent smell can stay on your hands, in the house, in the mouth, and in the sweat coming out of your body for long enough to get you concerned. This is especially true if you are a regular user of this spicy ingredient. This guide will share with you tips on how to get rid of garlic smell. How to Get Rid Of Garlic Smell on Hands You chopped garlic cloves while cooking lunch or dinner meal and hours down the line you can still pick its smell on your fingers? Don’t

The post How to Get Rid Of Garlic Smell on Hands, in the House, in the Mouth, and From the Body appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Garlic is a nice culinary addition, but its potent smell can stay on your hands, in the house, in the mouth, and in the sweat coming out of your body for long enough to get you concerned. This is especially true if you are a regular user of this spicy ingredient. This guide will share with you tips on how to get rid of garlic smell.

How to Get Rid Of Garlic Smell on Hands

You chopped garlic cloves while cooking lunch or dinner meal and hours down the line you can still pick its smell on your fingers? Don’t worry. There are numerous home remedies that can come to your rescue when your hands smell like garlic. Below are some of them:

Rub Your Hands against a Stainless Steel Surface

Stainless steel is an old remedy for garlic smell removal and it works wonders. When garlic is exposed to the air though crushing or chopping, it releases an enzyme referred to as allinaise which then triggers reactions that culminate in transformation of allin in garlic into allicin. Allicin contains sulfur which is responsible for the offensive garlic smell.

When you rub your hands against a metal such as stainless steel, the sulfur binds to it and the offensive smell gets eliminated from your hands.

To stop the garlic smell on your hands with this home remedy, simply rub your hands against a spoon, sink, or any other item made of stainless steel and then rinse your hands under cool running water.

Alternatively, buy a stainless steel bar soap and use it for the purpose. Made of pure stainless steel, these products look like, and are used like, a regular soap – but without the lather.

Rinse Your Hands with Lemon Juice

You can as well use lemon juice to get garlic smell out of your hands. The garlic odor fighting ability of lemon juice is thought to be due to the citric acid in it. Lime juice can as well do the trick. Below is how to remove garlic smell from hands with lemon juice:

  1. After you are done working with garlic, wash your hands with soap and water and then pat them dry with a towel.
  2. Cut a slice of lemon and rub it against your hands for half a minute or so, paying special attention to your fingers, palms and the area between your fingers.

Don’t use lemon juice to neutralize garlic smell if you have cut, scrapes, or open wound on the skin or you suffer from dry skin on the hands.

Apply Olive Oil on Your Hands

If you have olive oil in your kitchen, then you have a solution for garlic smell on hands right there. Olive oil neutralizes garlic smell and make it smell nice but it is best used before, not after, handling garlic. All you have to do is apply olive oil on your hands before cutting garlic cloves. The only downside to this is that you may find the garlic cloves pretty sliding.

Palm oil also works fine.

Rub Coffee on Your Hands

This tactic helps to mask rather than neutralize the garlic odor from your hands. Simply rub some coffee beans on your hands. This will leave behind pleasant-smelling coffee scent that overshadows the garlic odor. Alternatively, wash your hands with ground coffee under running water.

The only downside to this garlic elimination remedy is that it fades away quickly and you have to keep repeating it to continue having garlic-odor-free-hands.

How to Remove Garlic Smell from Mouth and Body

Nobody likes it when their breath or body smells like garlic. This is attributed to the presence of sulfur compounds from garlic in the mouth, lungs, and sweat with a gaseous compound known as allyl methyl sulfide (AMS) being majorly to blame.

This is produced during metabolism of garlic and since it cannot be broken down in the body, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and later exhaled through the lungs thus causing the characteristic garlic smell from the mouth. Some of the AMS is excreted through the sweat (skin pores). This explains the cases why garlic body odor often witnessed.

Below is a guideline on how to get rid of garlic smell from mouth and body:

Visit Your Refrigerator Fruit Tray

When an apple is cut or bit open and left overnight, it changes its color to become brownish. This is attributed to oxidizing enzymes in the apples. These same enzymes can help to neutralize and remove garlic breath and odor. This was proven in a study done by Ohio State University scholars. All you have to do is eat a raw apple.

Other than apples, fruits such as pears, peaches prunes, apricots, eggplants, plums, and grapes are touted to be good for removal of garlic odor in the mouth or from the body.

Sip Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has also been shown to neutralize the allinase enzyme produced by garlic and thus get rid of garlic smell. As for how to get garlic smell out of mouth, all you have to do is sip a glass of freshly made lemon juice after you are done savoring your garlic-meal or eat. Eating a lemon wedge can also help. Lemon and orange peels can also help to counteract garlic smell in the mouth.

Other than lemon juice, acidic fruit juices with pH of less than 3.6 will as well help to fight garlic odor.

Enjoy a Cup of Green Tea

Green tea is rich in polyphenols. These compounds help to breakdown and deodorize the pungent sulfide compounds found in garlic. Getting rid of garlic smell doesn’t get easier than that and as a bonus, the green tea will keep you warm not to mention the many health benefits of green tea.

Read more: How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath

Eat Parsley (Or Basil)

There is a good reason why garlic menu also include parsley. It helps to counter the pungent smell of garlic and thus prevent and get rid of garlic body odor.

Having parsley as one of the ingredients for your garlicky meal is a nice way to get rid of garlic smell but you will want to take it even further by chewing a raw, fresh parsley (dried parsley won’t be so effective) immediately after the meal.

The next time you are preparing a garlic meal, what about using parsley to garnish it.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing your teeth goes a long way in not only getting rid of garlic smell in the mouth but also taste. Do not forget to scrape your tongue. It is also helpful to swish and gargle and an alcohol-free mouthwash around your mouth.

How to Get Rid Of Garlic Smell In House

We have already covered how to get the smell of garlic out of the hands and mouth but what about your house? The following tips will help you to not only prevent but also counteract and remove garlic smell from your kitchen or any other section of your house:

Keep an Exhaust Fan Running

An exhaust fan constitutes a great defense mechanism against the smell of garlic and other common house odor culprits e.g. fish.  For it to be effective however you need to strike a good position for it in the kitchen.

Deodorize and Clean the Smell Out Of Cutting Boards

The chopping boards are often forgetting while seeking to eliminate foul smell from your house. Soaking them overnight in soapy water often helps. Rubbing a lemon on the chopping boards after cooking is another way to go about it. This is especially helpful if done immediately after cutting garlic.

Stop the Garlic Smell with Scented Candles

Constituting great décor items, scented candles comes in many fragrances and you are bound to get one that appeals to you. Some are also designed to impart therapeutic properties. After cooking and eating your garlic meal consider lighting one of these to eliminate any lingering garlic smell.

Other ways to get rid of garlic smell in the house:

  • Brew coffee: The smell of coffee can help to counteract that of garlic.
  • Clean all the dishes and wipe all surfaces that might have come into contact with garlic e.g. kitchen floor, burner, etc.
  • Open the windows to let in fresh air and thus neutralize the smell of garlic
  • Simmer cut lemons or oranges on the stove for 30 minutes or so to remove garlic smell from the house. Cinnamon sticks and cloves can also do the trick.
  • Spray the house with an aerosol air freshener

The post How to Get Rid Of Garlic Smell on Hands, in the House, in the Mouth, and From the Body appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Get Rid Of Fish Smell in the House, While Cooking, From Hands, Fridge, Microwave, and Out of Clothes Tue, 21 Jun 2016 12:13:27 +0000 Fish is a great meat choice for health conscious individuals, but the smell that lingers after cooking and eating fish is pretty pesky. The easiest way to prevent fish smell from building up in your house or kitchen is to fry or cook the fish outside but that is not always a viable option. Read on to learn how to get rid of fish smell from not only your house but also your hands, refrigerator, and utensils among others. What Causes Fish Smell? Fish smell is caused by bacterial action on Trimethylamine Oxide (TMAO) after fish dies, breaking it into trimethylamine

The post How to Get Rid Of Fish Smell in the House, While Cooking, From Hands, Fridge, Microwave, and Out of Clothes appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Fish is a great meat choice for health conscious individuals, but the smell that lingers after cooking and eating fish is pretty pesky. The easiest way to prevent fish smell from building up in your house or kitchen is to fry or cook the fish outside but that is not always a viable option. Read on to learn how to get rid of fish smell from not only your house but also your hands, refrigerator, and utensils among others.

What Causes Fish Smell?

Fish smell is caused by bacterial action on Trimethylamine Oxide (TMAO) after fish dies, breaking it into trimethylamine (TMA). The presence of TMA causes the decomposition of muscles thus causing the fishy smell. The intensity of the fishy smell can thus serve as an indicator of how fresh the fish is. Handling fish leaves your hands with enough evidence that you have done it and cooking fish leaves your house and utensils smelling, sometimes for hours or even days.

How to Get Rid Of Fish Smell While Cooking

Fish has been used for culinary purposes for centuries and many home remedies have been tried and proven to help neutralize and combat the smell associated with them. Below is how to eliminate fish odor while cooking:

Soak the Fish in Milk

Milk is lauded for its ability to soak out fishy smell. The beneficial effect of milk on fish is attributed to the casein in it which bonds with the TMA in fish muscles and thus get rid of the fishy smell.

As regards how to remove fishy smell from fish with milk, simply soak the fish in a pan to which cool milk has been poured and allow it to soak in for 20 minutes. With this done, you are ready to cook or fry the fish without the smell.

Soak the Fish in Lemon Juice to Get Rid Of the Smell

The acidic nature of lemon juice makes it another powerful home remedy for fish odor in the house and pans. It is thought to work by making the offensive trimethylamine (TMA) to bind with water while at the same time not “diluting” the flavor of the fish.

Here is how to get rid of fish smell from your apartment with lemon juice:

  • Squeeze fresh lemon juice from a lemon
  • Pour in a glass of water
  • Soak the fish in the mixture for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Cook or fry your fish as you normally do.

Use Vinegar to Eliminate the Odor

Acidic in nature, vinegar works in the same way as lemon juice. Vinegar comes in handy before and after cooking and can be used in the following ways:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with a couple glasses of water and then soak the fish in it for 20 minutes or so prior to cooking.
  2. Pour vinegar into a bowl or open glass jar and place it by the stove while cooking the fish. The vinegar will help to neutralize the fish smell. For fish odors that remain after you are done cooking your fish, leave the bowl of vinegar on the kitchen counter overnight.

More Tips to Get Rid Of Fish Odor While Cooking

  1. Leave the kitchen windows open as you cook the fish.
  2. Cook, fry, or grill the fish outside if possible.
  3. Spice the food with cloves, citrus peels, cinnamon, or any other pleasant smelling spice of your choice to remove the fish odor naturally.
  4. Turn the ceiling or room fan on to boost air circulation. This not only helps while cooking but after as well.
  5. Cleaning up any accidental splashes of fishy water or “sauce” on the stove or counter tops goes a long way in getting rid of fishy smell in your kitchen and the house at large.
  6. Bag any fish and take it to the garbage bin right away.

More Ways to Get Rid of Fishy Smell in the House

Use air-freshener

Spraying an air freshener is a quick way to neutralize and get rid of fishy smell in your house. These products release a fresh smelling scent. There are even those that are not only designed to release the scent automatically but also swap the fragrances. If you go for these commercial air fresheners however, watch out how you use them to avoid getting the chemicals in them into contact with food.

Light Scented Candles

Scented kitchen candles helps to get rid of fishy smell while cooking and after cooking by releasing fresh-smelling scents.

Use Potatoes to Remove Fish Smell from Pans and Bowls

Potatoes can help to absorb and remove fish odors from utensils such as cooking pans, bowls, etc. Here is how to remove fish smell with potatoes:

  1. Cut 2 potatoes into two halves each
  2. Cover each half with salt and allow them to stay in the affected piece of utensil for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse the pan or bowl thoroughly and the smell will have faded away.

Use Coffee to Get Rid Of Fishy Smell Naturally

Coffee is also helpful in eliminating offensive fish odor from the kitchen after cooking. The coffee aroma will overshadow and neutralize the stubborn fishy odors quickly and naturally. For this home remedy to be effective however, it is important to start by cleaning the counter tops, and utensils (cutting boards, pans, knife, plates etc.) that have come into contact with the fish. Remember that coffee only mask the odor. Below is how to get rid of fishy smell in the house with coffee:

  1. Once you are done cooking fish and washing the utensils and counters, brew a cup of coffee in the kitchen. Ground coffee makes the best fish odor removal remedy and if you can spice it up with nutmeg, cinnamon, etc. it will do the trick even better.
  2. Grind some coffee beans and then place them on the kitchen counter overnight after cooking

How to Get Fish Smell off Your Hands

If you are concerned about fishy smell that lingers on your hands after preparing your fish delicacy, here are some of ways in which you can neutralize and remove it:

Rub Your Hands on Stainless Steel Surface to Eliminate the Fishy Odor

Stainless steel not only helps to get rid of garlic smell but also remove fish smell from the hands. All you have to do is:

  1. Rub your hands against the stainless steel surface of your sink (if it is indeed made of stainless steel) for a short while.
  2. Wash them with water and soap.
  3. Repeat several times as necessary to get the fish smell off your hands.

Stainless Steel Bar Soap

stainless steel bar soap to remove fish smell (odor)

You can as well use a stainless steel bar soap to get rid of the fishy smell from your hands.

As the name suggests, these products are made from pure stainless steel and all you have to do is to clean your hands with them under running water like you would with a regular soap for half a minute or so and the fishy smell will go away.

What is best, the stainless steel bar soap doesn’t get depleted and you can use it for years to come.

Rinse Your Hands with Lemon Juice or Vinegar

This natural home remedy for fish smell is only ideal for you if you don’t have any nicks and cuts or open wounds on your hands. If that is a tick for you, then go ahead and rinse your hands with lemon juice or vinegar.

For lemon juice, the easiest way to do the trick is cut a lemon into two halves and then squeeze the juice out while rubbing them on your hands one half at a time. Washing your hands in a basin containing a solution of lemon juice and water will also help.

As for vinegar, mix a tablespoon of it with enough water to make a dilute solution and then dip your hands inside for instant fish smell removal.

Apply Salt to Your Hands

As soon as you are done preparing or cooking a fish-meal, use salt to remove the fishy smell as follows:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Sprinkle some salt into your palm and then rub it all over your hands.
  3. After through scrubbing, rinse the salt off with cool running water.

As the case with vinegar and lemon juice, salt will cause a sting if you have open wounds, cuts, or scrapes.

How to Get Fish Smell Out Of Clothes

As you cook your fish dish in the kitchen, fish odor could be slowly sneaking into your bedroom and closet and sticking onto your clothes and beddings. It is also possible that the fish touches the clothes and leave behind an offensive odor. Below is a guideline on how to get rid of fish smell on clothes.

Close the Bedroom Doors While Cooking a Fish-Meal

This simple tactic is more of a preventative than a remedial measure. By keeping the closet and bedroom doors closed, you help to keep your clothes and other fabrics from absorbing the smell coming out of your kitchen.

Treat the Clothes with Vinegar

In case fish comes into contact with your clothes, soak them in vinegar for thirty minutes and then wash them as usual.

Apply Lemon Juice to the Affected Area

Lemon juice can also help to remove fishy odor from clothes. All you have to do is apply lemon juice to the stained area, leave it on for a few minutes, and then proceed to wash the clothes as normal.

Baking Soda

Baking soda also comes in handy in removing fish smells from clothes. Simply add ½ cup of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) into your laundry water and go ahead cleaning the garment with your usual laundry detergent.

Use Vodka to Get Rid Of the Fishy Smell

Some people suggests using vodka for the purpose saying that it removes the fishy smell from garments and evaporate off with it. Below is how to get rid of fish odor from clothes with vodka.

  1. Mix 2 parts water with 1 part vodka.
  2. Soak the affected piece of clothing into the mixture for a few minutes
  3. Wash it and then wring out the mixture.
  4. Air dry the garment.

How to Get Rid Of Fishy Smell in Fridge

The refrigerator is also not immune to the offensive smell of fish, so to speak. Below are some of the ways in which you can remove the smell from your fridge:

Method 1: Baking soda + Dish Detergent

Baking soda and dishwashing liquid make for a good combination remedy for the nasty smell of fish in your fridge. Below is how to get rid of fish smell from your home using these easily available home ingredients:

  1. Empty your refrigerator (or freezer) and then remove all the drawers and trays.
  2. To a liter of warm water, add 3-5 drops of washing liquid and ¼ cup of baking soda.
  3. Apply the resulting solution all over the refrigerator (on the inside of course) with the help of a clean sponge or towel. Don’t forget the inside of the door(s) and the trays.
  4. Dry the fridge with a clean towel.
  5. Once dry, rub the treated surfaces with vanilla extract to remove any outstanding fish odor.
  6. Close the door and give the fridge time to dry completely before putting the drawers and trays back in place.

Use Fridge Fresheners and Deodorizers

If you want you can as well use one of the many commercial fridge fresheners available on the market today. These are formulated with many fragrances ranging from citrus to apple, orange, lemon etc. follow the instruction provided for the product you use.

Fridge deodorizers on the other hand work by filtering out the offensive fish odor.

How to Get Rid Of Fish Smell in Microwave

Use Household Bleach to Eliminate Fish Odor from Microwave

Cleaning the microwave with household bleach can help to not only remove fish odor but also sterilize the surfaces.  Here is how to go about it:

  • Dilute some household bleach with four times its amount of hot water.
  • With the help of a clean rag, wipe the microwave surfaces thoroughly.

Deodorize the Microwave with a Dish Towel and Dish Washing Liquid

  1. Soak a dish towel in hot water, then wring it to remove excess water.
  2. Pour a few drops of dishwashing liquid on the towel.
  3. Place the towel inside the microwave and then turn it on for 2 to 3 minutes or until the inside is covered in moisture.
  4. Wait for 30 minutes, then wipe the inside surfaces dry with a clean towel and the fish odor will go away.

Check with your manufacturer’s manual before using this method.

Wipe the Microwave with Lemon Juice

Just as lemon juice helps get cut fish smell out of your hands, it can eliminate the same from a microwave.

  1. Use microwave safe bowl to mix equal parts of lemon juice and water.
  2. Heat the solution long enough to have the interior surfaces of the microwave covered in moisture.
  3. Wait for one hour, then wipe the microwave surfaces dry with a clean dish towel.

The post How to Get Rid Of Fish Smell in the House, While Cooking, From Hands, Fridge, Microwave, and Out of Clothes appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath Fast Naturally and Avoid it Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:27:07 +0000 With its powerful aroma, garlic is a popular spice. It also has numerous health benefits. On the downside however, garlic breath is a challenge that you often have to contend with a day after or so of taking this spice. Although it lingers around for a few hours to a couple days before vanishing on its own, there are numerous home remedies that can help to make it go away quickly. This article will give you a comprehensive breakdown of how to get rid of garlic breath at home naturally and avoid its recurrence. What Causes Garlic Breath The Day

The post How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath Fast Naturally and Avoid it appeared first on Beauty Sight.

With its powerful aroma, garlic is a popular spice. It also has numerous health benefits. On the downside however, garlic breath is a challenge that you often have to contend with a day after or so of taking this spice. Although it lingers around for a few hours to a couple days before vanishing on its own, there are numerous home remedies that can help to make it go away quickly. This article will give you a comprehensive breakdown of how to get rid of garlic breath at home naturally and avoid its recurrence.

What Causes Garlic Breath The Day After a Nice Meal?

The offensive garlic breath is attributed to a chemical compound known as Allyl methyl sulfide (AMS). This is only released when a clove of garlic is either copped or crushed. AMS is absorbed into the bloodstream during metabolism and then excreted by the lungs (hence the garlic breath) and sweat glands.

What Causes Garlic Breath Without Eating Garlic?

If garlic constitutes an integral part of your culinary delicacies, then you wouldn’t be as much shocked that you have garlic breath but what if you have not taken a single clove in months but your breath is still laden with garlic smell? There is always the chance that you have taken garlic in a meal unknowingly, e.g. at a restaurant or a friend’s home but if oral consumption is out of the question, then you may be dealing with one of the following possible causes of the problem:

  • Herbal supplements: Herbal dietary supplements are often formulated with garlic extracts and oils. How to get rid of garlic breath due to herbal supplements is easy; discontinuing the supplements and then use the home remedies listed in this article to neutralize and mask the garlic odor.
  • Chemical poisoning: According to TheraBreath, garlic breath without eating garlic may be a sign of selenium, tellurium, or polonium poisoning. Being a radioactive element, polonium poisoning is in particular a concern. According to Dr. Greene arsenic, phosphorus, thallium, and organic phosphate insecticides poisoning can also cause garlic breath.

If you have developed garlic breath but have not at all eaten garlic or taken herbal supplements, it is advisable to urgently seek medical attention.

How Long Does Garlic Breath Last?

The main offending chemical in garlic, allyl methyl sulfide, stays around in the body for a long time. How long garlic breath takes to go away varies from one person to another depending on how fast their bodies are able to metabolize the offensive compounds. This can take anything between a few hours and two days after consuming garlic. If you have been eating garlic for a long time, it may even take longer than 2 days for the garlic breath to stop.

How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath Fast

If waiting two days for the garlic breath to get cured on its own is simply not acceptable, then there are various proven home remedies that you can use to make the problem go away faster. These include:

Eat an Apple

appleThe same enzyme that makes an apple turn brown when cut and left exposed to the air can oxidize the offending sulfides from garlic and thus help to eliminate garlic breath.

Eating apples has been scientifically proven to get rid of garlic smell in breath and is actually one of the best ways to get rid of the problem.

For your next meal, what about throwing in an apple to the salad? It may go a long way in not only avoiding but also getting rid of already formed garlic breath e.g. a day after eating a garlic meal.

Sip Green Tea

Green tea is a wonderful gift from nature. A study done at Ohio State University has shown green tea to be effective in getting rid of garlic breath fast. This is attributed to chemical compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols work by deodorizing the sulfides in garlic responsible for the pungent smell.

Take Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can also help to kill garlic breath faster naturally. Acidic in nature (due to citric acid), lemon juice works by lowering the pH which in turn neutralizes the enzyme allinase that is released upon chopping or crushing garlic cloves. This then reduces the rate of formation of the volatile compounds (especially allyl methyl sulfide) that cause the garlic breath. As regards how to get rid of garlic breath with lemon juice, here are some options to consider:

  1. Slice a lemon juice into two halves and then squeeze the juice into a glass. Sip the lemon juice immediately after eating garlic.
  2. Alternatively, cut a lemon juice into small wedges and suck them to stop garlic breath.
  3. Chewing the peels of a fresh lemon is also effective in combating garlic smell in breath.

Eat Raw Parsley to Remove Garlic Breath

parsleyAn article on removing garlic breath is hardly finished without saying something about this herbal remedy.

Parsley has been scientifically proven to neutralize the offensive compounds n garlic naturally, in particular allyl methyl sulfide, working in the same way as apples. For the best results, you should chew raw, fresh (not dried) parsley.

Tip: Spinach, lettuce, and mint are also effective in removing garlic breath.

Drink Milk

Drinking milk is a great way to avoid garlic breath. A study published in the journal of Food Science in 2010 showed that milk helps to reduce the concentration of sulfides in garlic responsible for the garlic breath. A comparison between whole milk and skimmed milk showed whole milk to offer more help. It is thus thought that the fat in milk is responsible for the garlic neutralizing effect. For the best results, sip a glass of milk before or while eating garlic-laden meal.

Use Mustard to Fix Garlic Breath

Mustard is also claimed to be very helpful for garlic breath. You can either use this natural remedy as follows:

  1. Scoop 1 teaspoon of mustard and swish it around in your mouth for five minutes before spiting it out.
  2. Follow this by swallowing half a teaspoon of mustard.

Chew Sugarless Gum

This doesn’t eliminate garlic breath but will help to mask it until it can naturally go away in a couple days or so. Gums that contain cinnamon are particularly beneficial to garlic breath.

More Ways to Remove Garlic Breath Fast Naturally

  • Brush your teeth regularly. Don’t forget to scrape your tongue as it also harbors lots of food debris and bacteria.
  • Rinse your mouth with Listerine regularly for at least 30 seconds each time. Don’t use alcohol-containing mouthwash products as this may dry your mouth.
  • Chew some coffee beans: When it comes to home remedies, what works may at times leave you in awe. Some people will swear to the effectiveness of coffee beans in getting rid of garlic small in breath.


The post How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath Fast Naturally and Avoid it appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Descale a Kettle Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:00:51 +0000 Electric kettles are very popular for an obvious reason; they are a great time saver, they heat water very fast. They however tend to accumulate limescale (kettle furring) at the bottom especially when used regularly to boil hard water. Although not a health concern, limescale looks gross atop your electric kettle’s heating element. It also makes your kettle less efficient, making it use more energy to boil water. Here we will show you how to descale a kettle easily with simple home remedies and cost-effective limescale removal products. Descale With Vinegar If I had to make a list of the

The post How to Descale a Kettle appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Electric kettles are very popular for an obvious reason; they are a great time saver, they heat water very fast. They however tend to accumulate limescale (kettle furring) at the bottom especially when used regularly to boil hard water. Although not a health concern, limescale looks gross atop your electric kettle’s heating element. It also makes your kettle less efficient, making it use more energy to boil water. Here we will show you how to descale a kettle easily with simple home remedies and cost-effective limescale removal products.

Descale With Vinegar

white vinegarIf I had to make a list of the best ways to descale an electric kettle, then vinegar would be at the top of the list.

This kettle descaler helps to break down limescale through a reaction between the acetic acid in it and the calcium carbonate, the main compound in limescale.

What’s more, vinegar is natural and environmentally-friendly, making it a great fit even for those with a passion for green living. How to how to descale a kettle with vinegar is pretty straightforward. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Pour 1 cup each of white vinegar and water into the electric kettle that needs descaling.
  2. Allow the solution to dissolve the limescale for about an hour.
  3. Boil the solution and then turn the kettle off (if it is not the type that switches itself off).
  4. Swish the vinegar solution around and then pour it out in a sink.
  5. Fill the electric kettle with pure water and bring it to a boil once or twice to get rid of vinegar smell lest you end up ruining your next cup of tea.

Extra tips on using vinegar to descale a kettle.

  • If a solution of vinegar and water is not effective at removing the limescale from the kettle, try repeating the above process several times or use stronger concentration (or even use undiluted) vinegar and allow it to soak in the kettle furring for a while longer (a couple hours or even overnight) before boiling.
  • Malt vinegar will work just fine if it is what you have at your home.
  • Some manufacturers outrightly warn against using vinegar to clean or descale a kettle. In that case, consider other DIY descalers such as lemon juice or go for commercial kettle descaling solutions.


lemon juiceLemon is rich in citric acid and is known to not only help to clean and get rid of limescale from kettle without chemicals but also leave the smell smelling fresh. Below is how to descale a kettle naturally with lemon juice:

  1. Slice a fresh lemon into two halves.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice out into the kettle that require removal of limescale add then drop the squeezed halves in as well.
  3. Fill the kettle with water and then bring it to a boil.
  4. Finally discard the lemon and water and then rinse the kettle with cool water.
  5. Voila! You have just removed the limescale. If there are still some limescale deposits at the bottom of the

Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda if you want, also constitutes a potent natural kettle limescale remover. As regards how to descale a kettle with baking soda, all you need to do is pour in a cup or two of water followed by 1 tablespoon of baking soda before bringing them to a boil. Once done, discard the content and rinse the kettle and you will be good to go.


As bizarre as it sounds, coke is a great remedy for limescale in kettle. Here is how to go about it:

  1. Fill your kettle with coke.
  2. Allow it to soak in and dissolve the limescale overnight.
  3. Rinse the kettle with water.
  4. If you want, scrub the inside of the kettle with a soft sponge to remove any remaining scales.

Citric Acid

You can make a simple homemade descaler for your kettle with citric acid and use it to remove those pesky limescale deposits as explained below:

  1. Pour water into your kettle so that it is halfway full.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Once the electric kettle switches itself off (or you switch it off if it doesn’t automatically do so), pour in 2 to 3 tablespoons of citric acid powder.
  4. Allow the citric acid to dissolve the limescale for 20minutes, then discard the resulting solution.

More Tips on Removing Limescale from a Kettle

  1. If there are still some limescale deposits left after using any of the above kettle descalers, sprinkle some baking soda onto a damp washcloth and use it to wipe them off before rinsing the electric kettle with water. Make sure that the heating element has cooled down before doing this to avoid burning yourself.
  2. To prevent rapid limescale formation, avoid leaving water in the kettle after boiling it. Boil the amount of water you need at the moment and pour off any remainder.
  3. Descale your kettle regularly to help it stay at the top of its game (in terms of efficiency and performance) especially if you use it regularly and more so if you live in an area with hard water. This will also save you some few dollars in electricity bills.

Use A Kettle Descale Ball to Prevent Buildup of Kettle Furring (Limescale)

As you will probably agree, the remedies for kettle limescale discussed throughout this article are very easy not to mention very cost-effective. Regardless they still require a bit of effort and time. A commercial stainless steel ball kettle descaler such as Le’Xpress Steel Mesh Kettle Protector may be your ultimate solution.

These are basically stainless steel balls that are designed to attract limescale fur to themselves as water boils in your electric kettle. Though relatively new at the time of this writing, they seem promising judging from the reviews available online at the moment. This also means that they are still not widely available. But if you come across one in your local store it might be worth your effort to check them out.


The post How to Descale a Kettle appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Get Rid Of Blocked Ears from Ear Wax, Water, or Cold Naturally at Home Mon, 13 Jun 2016 11:14:56 +0000 Blocked or clogged ears can interfere with normal hearing not to mention cause earache, a muffled-sound sensation, a ringing sound, and dizziness. The first line of treatment for blocked ears is over the counter ear drops but before you go to that you may want to try numerous home remedies for blocked ears listed on this page. Blocked Ear Causes Before discussing how to get rid of blocked ears, what about we start with a breakdown of what causes blocked ears? Below are the most common factors for ear blockage: Accumulation of water in the Eustachian tube: It is common

The post How to Get Rid Of Blocked Ears from Ear Wax, Water, or Cold Naturally at Home appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Blocked or clogged ears can interfere with normal hearing not to mention cause earache, a muffled-sound sensation, a ringing sound, and dizziness. The first line of treatment for blocked ears is over the counter ear drops but before you go to that you may want to try numerous home remedies for blocked ears listed on this page.

Blocked Ear Causes

Before discussing how to get rid of blocked ears, what about we start with a breakdown of what causes blocked ears? Below are the most common factors for ear blockage:

  • Accumulation of water in the Eustachian tube: It is common to feel clogged when the ear becomes blocked with water e.g. after swimming.
  • Earwax accumulation: Ear wax plays an essential role in keeping the ear canal clean and free of infection but can buildup to such a high level that it causes clogging. Factors such as excessive secretion of ear wax, production of too thick or dry wax, very hairy or narrow ear canal, ageing (leading to secretion of low quality ear wax), growths in the ear canal, and regular use of solid objects e.g. hearing aids, cotton buds etc. can culminate in buildup of ear wax.
  • Common cold and sinus congestion (infection): Sinus and nasal congestion due to common cold is one of the most common blocked ear causes. This is because the sinuses and ears are linked together by the Eustachian tubes which when troubled becomes less effective at equalizing air pressure leading to clogged ears.
  • Pressure differences: You may also feel as though your ears are blocked after flying or hiking at high altitude. This is attributed to changes in atmospheric pressure.

How to Get Rid Of Blocked Ears

Some cases of ear blockage clear on their own with time. For example, symptoms of blocked areas after travelling on an airplane go away as soon as ear pressure balances. Painful blocked ear may be so intolerable that sitting around waiting for it to clear gets out of the question. You may also just wish to get the condition under control faster even if not painful. Whatever the case, you can get relief from using one of the following over the counter treatments and DIY home remedies:

Put the Valsalva maneuver into Action

One of the best natural home remedies for blocked ears, Valsalva maneuver works by balancing air pressure in the middle ear. The idea is to try exhaling with both the nostrils and mouth closed as follows:

  1. Take a deep breath
  2. With the mouth closed, close your nostrils by pinching them with your fingers.
  3. Blow air out of your nose gently until you hear a faint pop sound (an indication that the Eustachian tube has opened up, assuming you did this correctly).
  4. Once done, open your mouth and nose to resume normal breathing process.

Caution: To avoid damage to the ear drum, don’t “blow the air out” too hard.

Jaw Movements

How to get rid of blocked ears doesn’t get any easier than this. To use this natural remedy to unclog the ears, follow the steps below:

  1. Twist your jaws: With your mouth open widely, twist your jaws gently from side to side. Repeat the process until you hear a faint “pop” sound and voila! You have fixed the ear blockage.
  2. Chew a gum: Jaw movements from chewing a gum can have a similar effect on air pressure. The movements help to loosen up the substances in your ears (especially earwax) and thus open the Eustachian tube. For dental care purposes, consider chewing a sugar-free gum.
  3. Yawn: It sounds so easy to be true but yawning can actually help to get rid of a blocked ear naturally by regulating air pressure in the ear.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is particularly effective for ear blockage caused by buildup of wax. It helps to soften the wax and thus make it easier to flow out of the ear naturally.

  1. Warm some extra virgin olive oil in an oven or saucepan.
  2. Pour a few drops into the clogged ear and then allow it to work for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. With the head positioned sideways, remove the oil alongside any ear wax using a cotton bud.

If you don’t have olive oil, baby oil and mineral can as well do the trick.

Steam Treatment

Steam is also a great natural remedy for blocked ears especially one that is caused by ear wax or nasal and sinus congestion. This simple process will help to thin out any earwax or mucus responsible for the stuffiness in ears and/or sinuses:

  1. Pour boiling water into a large bowl.
  2. Drape your head in a heavy towel and then lean over the steaming bowl.
  3. Inhale the steam steadily until the clogged-up feeling disappears.

A hot steamy shower can also have a positive effect on clogged ears.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Alcohol

Apple cider vinegar not only helps to soften ear wax but also get rid of bacterial infection. Rubbing alcohol is also effective against microorganisms and together with apple cider vinegar, they constitute a great combo for opening up blocked ears. How to get rid of blocked ears with alcohol and vinegar is as easy as outlined below:

  1. Mix rubbing alcohol and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions.
  2. Using a dropper or bulb syringe, pour 2 to 3 drops of the mixture into the affected ear while lying on your side.
  3. Let it work in for 10 minutes or so.

Garlic Remedy for Clogged Ears

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. When used alongside any warm oil of your choice, it constitutes a very effective natural remedy for blocked ears. Below is a guideline:

  1. Peel 2-3 garlic cloves and chop them into small pieces.
  2. Drop them in some olive, mustard, or sesame oil and then heat the oil gently for a few minutes.
  3. Allow the mixture time to cool down, then remove the garlic pieces before pouring 2-3 drops of the resulting liquid into the blocked ear while lying on the side.
  4. Repeat the process a couple times each day until you get relief from ear blockage.

Hydrogen Peroxide

If I had to single out the single best home remedy for blocked ears, it would be hydrogen peroxide. It is particularly useful for blocked ears due to ear wax buildup. Below is how to get rid of blocked ears using hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Pour 2 to 3 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (no higher concentration than 3% to avoid ear drum damage) into the clogged ear using a dropper or bulb syringe. You will notice a fizzing sound as hydrogen peroxide work on the ear wax.
  2. After about 10 minutes (the fizzing sound will have stopped by now), move your head to the opposite side to drain off the hydrogen peroxide.

Address Sinus Congestion to Get Rid Of Blocked Ears

As already stated, there exists a connection between the sinuses and ears and sinus congestion is often the culprit for clogged ears. If you recently or are currently suffering from a bout of cold, you may want to use the following home remedies to get rid of nasal and sinus congestion and thus ear plugging:

  • Flush the nasal cavity and sinuses open with a neti pot.
  • Run a humidifier to keep your nasal cavity and sinuses moist. This helps to loosen the mucus stuffed in there and thus decongest the nose and sinuses and by extension the ears.
  • Take over the counter decongestants such as pseudoephedrine for no any longer than 3 days.

Use Ear Drops for Blocked Ears Treatment

If the above home remedies for blocked ears don’t help or you feel you would rather just go for an over the counter treatment, then ask for ear drops at your local drugstore (pharmacy). Ear drops are formulated to soften the ear wax and thus aid in its natural flow from the ears.

The ingredients found in OTC products range from sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to almond oil and olive oil among others. Ear drops are however not recommended for people with perforated ear drums.

Tea Tree Oil

The health benefits of tea tree oil are wide reaching thanks to its natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. It is particularly recommended for blocked ears causes by cold. Here is how to use tea tree oil for the purpose:

  1. Bring a glass of water to a boil.
  2. Pour 2 to 3 drops of pure tea tree oil.
  3. Inhale the steam rising from the water-tea tree essential oil mixture for relief from sinus and ear blockage.

You can also treat the clogged ear directly as outlined below:

  • To a bowl containing a glass of boiling water, add a couple drops of tea tree oil. Tilt your head over the bowl so that the steam rises directly into your ear.
  • Alternatively, mix 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil to a little warm olive oil and then pour a few drops of the resulting mixture into your ears using a dropper or bulb syringe.

Use the Toynbee Maneuver

This is yet another very effective mechanical home remedy for blocked ears relief. The Toynbee maneuver entails the following:

  1. Sip a mouthful of water from a glass.
  2. With your mouth closed, pinch your nostrils tight and then swallow the water.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times as necessary to get rid of blocked ears.

Jump On One Foot

This blocked ear opening technique takes advantage of gravitational force to remove water from clogged ears and is especially useful for clogging that results from swimming.

  1. With the head slanting towards the side of the clogged ear, stand on one foot and then hop several times.
  2. Repeat until water flows out and the ear blockage clears.


The post How to Get Rid Of Blocked Ears from Ear Wax, Water, or Cold Naturally at Home appeared first on Beauty Sight.

How to Get Rid Of Hickeys on Your Neck, Lip, Breast Etc. Fast – Best Home Remedies for Love Bites Tue, 24 May 2016 12:01:44 +0000 Also referred to as love bites, hickeys are skin blemishes that result when someone kisses or sucks your skin too aggressively. This causes the blood capillaries in the skin to burst resulting in one or more red to purple bruises on the neck, face etc. Hickeys typically last between 5 and 12 days. If waiting a week or so however sounds like too much to ask for, you can always help the hickeys heal faster using various home remedies. Below are some of the best ways to get rid of hickeys on your neck, lip, breast, arm or any other

The post How to Get Rid Of Hickeys on Your Neck, Lip, Breast Etc. Fast – Best Home Remedies for Love Bites appeared first on Beauty Sight.

Also referred to as love bites, hickeys are skin blemishes that result when someone kisses or sucks your skin too aggressively. This causes the blood capillaries in the skin to burst resulting in one or more red to purple bruises on the neck, face etc. Hickeys typically last between 5 and 12 days. If waiting a week or so however sounds like too much to ask for, you can always help the hickeys heal faster using various home remedies.

Below are some of the best ways to get rid of hickeys on your neck, lip, breast, arm or any other part of the face or skin faster. As you will soon notice, most of these home remedies are suitable for both guys and ladies:

Use a Cold Compress

If anything comes close to overnight treatment, then it has got to be icing; it is arguably the fastest way to get rid of a hickey marks. A cold compress helps to disperse the blood while constricting the superficial blood capillaries responsible for the bleeding and bruising, thus reducing the appearance of the love bites. This method is however best used ASAP since it is the most effective on new hickies. It is also best used on the neck and face. Try to use it in as fast as an hour or even minutes of getting the love bite.

As regards how to get rid of hickeys with ice, there are two ways to go about it as outlined below:

  1. Wrap some ice cubes in a small towel – to avoid ice burn – and then place it on the love bites for 15-20 minutes at intervals of 3 to 4 hours throughout the day.
  2. Alternatively, chill a spoon in the refrigerator for 10 minutes or so and then wrap it in a cloth before patting your love bites with its back side until it loses its coldness. Repeat the frozen spoon home remedy 3 to 5 times until you make the hickeys go away.

Massage the Hickey with a Toothbrush

A toothbrush can also help to remove hickeys by breaking the blood clots and thus dispersing the blood accumulated in the affected area. So how do you get rid of hickies faster with this method? Below is an easy to follow guideline:

Brush the love bite with a stiff-bristle toothbrush applying enough pressure to disperse the blood but not too much to potentially scratch and rupture your skin. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes 2 to 3 minutes daily for effective hickeys removal.

Apply a Warm Compress

I see the look on your face right now. I know it sounds just plain contradictory to the cold compress method of love bites removal. Applying heat is beneficial to hickies but is only advisable for those that have been around for a few days, say 2 or 3 days; a guideline of 48 hours or more is typically given for warm compresses.

At his point, the blood capillaries will have healed and closed and the leaked blood is responsible for the appearance of the hickies. Warm compresses help to boost blood circulation and quicken the reabsorption process for the leaked blood. Here is how to get rid of hickeys with a warm compress:

  1. Soak a small towel in hot water and then wring out the excess water.
  2. Apply it on your skin until it dissipates all the heat.
  3. Repeat the process over a period of 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Finish off by massaging the affected area gently with your fingertips.

Use Aloe Vera to get rid of Hickies

With its unmatched healing power, aloe vera is one of the best natural home remedies for hickies. For hickeys removal, snip an aloe vera leaf and then squeeze out its juice directly on the bruised areas of the skin twice or thrice daily. Alternatively, apply a commercial aloe vera gel or cream onto the love bites 2-3 times daily. Leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes before washing it off with cool water.

Pat with Small Cylindrical Items

This method works by breaking down the blood clots in the bruise. From a lipstick or ChapStick cap to a pen cap, AA battery, name it, any cylindrical object will do the trick. Below is how to get rid of hickeys using this somewhat weird method:

  1. Place the cylindrical object of your choice on top the love bite.
  2. Apply slight pressure – not too much to potentially break your skin – and then twist the object as far as your skin can allow.
  3. Keep the object in the twisted position for a few seconds and then release to allow the object return to its original position.
  4. Repeat this home remedy over a period of 10 minutes several times throughout the day and your love bite will soon be gone.

Treat the Hickey with a Coin

A coin is yet another effective hickey cure that is very easy to use albeit painful.

  1. Place your fingers on the margins of the hickey and then pull them apart to stretch the skin around it.
  2. Now get any coin you can get (penny, nickel, euro etc.) and rub it on the skin as though you are literally scraping the bruise away. Don’t use too much pressure as this might break the skin.
  3. This method will leave your skin with notable redness but that will disappear in a matter of minutes which is faster than the love bite would have taken to go away.

Rub a Banana Peel

A banana peel is yet another amazing way to get rid of hickies naturally. It helps to soothe and cool the bruise and thus aid in faster healing.

  1. Cut a small piece out of a banana peel; enough to cover the love bite.
  2. Place it on the hickey so that the inner surface is in contact with your skin.
  3. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
  4. Use this home remedy 2-3 times daily for effective hickeys removal.

Remove the Hickey with Toothpaste

A lot of people will swear to the effectiveness of toothpaste as a hickeys cure. Mint-flavored toothpaste is reportedly particularly good. Below is how to get rid of hickeys with toothpaste:

  1. Apply a pinch of toothpaste all over the love bite and then spread it into a thin layer.
  2. Leave it on until the tingling sensation goes away, then wash it off with warm water.
  3. Repeat the process then next evening, preferably before bedtime.

Massage the Hickey

Although not a quick fix, massaging the love bite helps to break the blood clots and enhance circulation in the area which then increases the rate at which blood is reabsorbed into the body. Here are some of the best ways to use the massage method to cure hickeys marks:

  1. Warm the bruised area with a small towel that has been dipped in warm water.
  2. Now massage the area firmly with your fingertips working from the center of the love bite outwards.
  3. Repeat this home treatment severally in the course of the day for the best hickey healing action.

Get Rid Of the Hickey with Vinegar

Vinegar is also touted to help remove love bites. Simply dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of distilled water and then dab the solution on the hickey with a clean washcloth two to three times daily until the bruise heals. Wash it off after 10 minutes.

Get Lots of Vitamin K

Vitamin K is known to facilitate faster healing of hickeys by aiding in the re-absorption of the leaked blood. To supply the body with vitamin K, takes lots of foods rich in the vitamin including broccoli, spinach, brown rice and kale. Creams with vitamin K also serves as great hickey removal creams. Simply apply the cream (or lotion) of your choice to the love bites 2 to 3 times daily until it goes away.

Rubbing Alcohol

The soothing effect of rubbing alcohol is also very beneficial to hickeys. It is however best suited for use on hickies that just happened (say in a few minutes or a couple hours). Below is how to get rid of hickeys with rubbing alcohol:

  1. Soak a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Rub it into bruised area for a couple minutes.
  3. Finish off by applying moisturizer (lotion or cream) on the treatment area to curb the drying effect of rubbing alcohol.
  4. Use this home remedy 2 to 3 times each day over the course of 1-2 days and you will say bye to love bites.

All these home remedies for hickeys are known to get rid of the love bites effectively but don’t expect instant results; none of them is guaranteed to completely remove the bruise overnight but you are very likely to notice significant change within a short time of use. If anything, healing a love bite in a couple days is better than waiting a week or two. In case of a giant hickeys however, those that make you feel really uncomfortable, you may want to consider using makeup to hide them.

The post How to Get Rid Of Hickeys on Your Neck, Lip, Breast Etc. Fast – Best Home Remedies for Love Bites appeared first on Beauty Sight.
